Chapter 5

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I've been planning on how to add Dewei and what he should be, but I think this is a good time.

I explored the lake while also hunting for animals that I could eat. The birds continued singing, whistling their melodies. The tunes were pleasant, upbeat. Contrary to my feelings. They did nothing to make me feel happier, only worse as; their lives were safer than mine.

As the dirt becomes porous, I noticed a lake on the horizon. I instantly ran to get there faster. The crystal cerulean waters, littered with fish, swimming in random directions. The corals and the mauve complemented to azure making them appear multi-coloured.

As I detected a spray of water settling on my skin, my head snapped up, I was met with a figure. The physique was towering, bigger than me at my 5'7 stature. They also seemed stronger than me, something that will ultimately happen if you are a rogue for a while.

Deciding I did not want to get bitten; I ran. Only to be followed by this unfamiliar person. He was quicker than me but for some reason, he did not.

attempt to reach me.

"Wait" he yelled. "I'm not going to hurt you."

My run decreased after his words, but yet I did not quit. I did not trust him, why would I? I only examined him, and he could harm me. After a while, he chose to stop me by running in front of me.

"Hello, I am Dewei. Whats your name?" he asked as I slowly backed away.

As I got a better look at him, I noticed how he seemed sweet. But appearances can be misleading. His platinum blonde hair flowed in the wind. His intense coffee-coloured eyes stared into my sky-blue ones, I noticed concern was surging in them. I decided to be friendly until I could leave.


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