Chapter 3. Part 2.

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South Korea: Seoul

I wake up from my deep slumber, finding myself, limb on my back, groggy and fuzzy! My body and head are heavy as a rock. I can't even remember how I reached home from the airport and passed out immediately. And the funny news is that my Korean speaking ability has been put to test and confirmed since I talked to the taxi driver to give him the address of my new and tiny apartment. The company helped me to get this place and I have to pay rent, but it's in a nice neighborhood and I like the view from the minimalistic window. My mouth is bitter and I feel pain, but not from the exhaustion, it's an aggravating deep pain within me. It was the pain that woke me up in fact. But it's not physical coming from body ache and sitting in the plane for long hours but it's the result of the vision I just saw. Nam Il being hurt, alone and pained has done this to me. I'm experiencing his raw, chewing pain in my deepest part and it's a horrible feeling like someone knocked me out and sat on my chest with all might pressing into me. I can't find my breath and inhale sharply to get air in my lungs. Now that I'm here, it's not only images, now I can feel Nam il. He is here, in me, with me, around me. I can feel his pain, his emotions overflowing and his presence taking over my whole existence like how now I can speak Korean because of him or how moving around Seoul in the taxi didn't seem new and exciting. The streets were oddly familiar and I had a feeling I had walked or passed some of them in the past. I know these are all Nam il, but I still can't find an explanation why and how I'm linked with this person. I wonder if now that I see those visions, I have physic abilities or not. I understand that what I see and feel is part of someone's life and that doesn't mean it's not confusing anymore but I'm getting a hang of the blackouts and amnesia.



I say in a small voice barely audible even to my own ears. My eyes are locked to the ground in front of me and I add 

"I forgot the line." Again.

 I don't know how many times since this morning I forgot my lines and now I feel like a complete idiot. We have to practice the part when Kang Min encounters Tae Su again after going around all his old connections to find Soo Min but wasn't able to get to her since Tae Suhas made it impossible. So, Kang Min confronts Tae Su for an explanation and to inquire about Soo Min's whereabouts then there would be a flashback from the past of all three of them being poor and hopeful talking about the future and how they would make so much money and how they would be happy living all together in a big mansion. But from this morning I managed to ruin every scene with my forgetfulness and distracted mind, forgetting dialogues. As a result, we haven't made it to the second part of the scene that has the images from their past. I blow some extra air from my mouth and receive the note handed to me by one of the crew to revise my lines again. I go through them and try to ignore the fact that I'm making everyone here frustrated. Probably Sunbae Dae Sung is more than irritated to put up with a distracted newbie like me. Director Kim studies me from the other side of the stage 

" Ready?" 

I nod unsure 


Then I get rid of the note to concentrate on the scene. Dae Sung inches me, same cold and stoned expression he always gives me or better to say he gives to Tae Su. His posture is stiff and unforgiving. I tug at the hem of my large hoody 

"Why are you here again? Didn't I tell you not to come after me anymore? Do you have a death wish?"

 His determined gaze skims me then rests on my fugitive eyes. 

"I remember what you said last time. I looked everywhere. Every tug in this city pointed me to you at the end. You are the end of this story. I'm not here for revenge, to get back at you for what you did to me. I just want to see her." 

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