A Few Points

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1. First I have to say that English is not my first language and I don't have an extra hand as a proofreader since I can't find anyone with the same kind of interests around me. So have mercy on me if there are any grammatical problems within the story.

2. All characters, places, and events in the story are fictional and any similarities are pure coincidence. . This story doesn't reflect on any real person, industry, or country in real life. So, go easy on me.

3. Using Korea as the main base of the story comes from my deepest respect and love from the country and I tried to ask for help for names and honorifics from my best friend who is Korean but if there are any shortcomings in that part please forgive me. I tried my best to research in advance.

4. This story is meant for mature audiences if you're not comfortable with the mentioned materials you should restrict from reading or reading at your discretion.

5. There is a mild inspiration from the movie 'Method' in the story but the similarities are limited to the plot of the first part of the book. Not details or characters. 

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