Chapter 32

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Copyright © 2010-2012 by Kymberlee Elliott. This work is protected under the Copyright, Designs and Patent Act of 1988. All rights are reserved; any infringement of this copyright can be punishable by law. Infrigements include any unauthorised selling, broadcasting, copying, duplication or distribution of the work.

Chapter 32

I glanced up at the moon, which to me looked full, but I was assured there was another day to go. Looking back I noticed Kit seemed to glow in the soft light, his eyes were reflecting silver like two mini moons. ‘Can you feel the pull?’ He turned to me and I saw longing in his face. ‘Yes.’ His voice was dreamy and soft in the night. I nodded and sat down in the clearing. ‘Ok I need you to focus on the full moon and how it makes you feel. Kit I need you to shake off your veneer. If tomorrow your wolf is going to be in control I need to know what he feels like.’

‘We are one and the same glykia mou.’

‘I know that Kit, but tomorrow you are going to be following a different set of instincts and I need to know what that part of you feels like.’ He turned away from me and sighed. ‘That part of me is dark Isabel; it is animalistic, it has no moral code it only knows survival.’

‘Kit I have been in every corner of your mind, there is nothing you can hide from me; believe me you cannot scare me.’ He walked over and sat opposite me before closing his eyes. I gazed at his strong face before closing mine and casting my mind out. I brushed up against Kit’s mind and felt his answering touch. Calming his agitation I smoothed across his mind and searched for what I was looking for.

I cannot fully explain what I see when I enter someone else’s mind as it isn’t so much visual, but if I were to try and explain it would be like a night sky. Everyone’s mind is a vast black space; on one level there are webs of bright colour that indicate neural pathways, these congregate in the areas of the brain we recognise. There is the frontal lobe, which contains most of the lights in people’s brains as it controls motor control, language, intelligence etc. There is also the parietal lobe which contains all the data needed for touch, pain spacial mapping etc and the occipital lobe, which controls vision. In Kit all of these areas of the brain were eclipsed by the supernova located at the back and base of his head in his hindbrain. This is the oldest part of the human brain before evolution opened up other areas and is often called the reptilian brain – it is responsible for all of our basic and primitive needs, survival, dominance and breeding and in Kit it was like the fourth of July. If I go down another layer I can see these sections in more detail and start catching some of their thoughts and feelings, which is what I did now.

Honing in on his hindbrain I skimmed over the surface of his thoughts and realised Kit was more different to me than I had thought. Churning through his mind was a tangle of instincts all relating to the need to dominate and breed. I was amazed he seemed as normal as he did and it also made me appreciate the control all the Shifters’ showed on a daily basis when their brain was literally screaming at them to fight and dominate every second of the day. This part of Kit wasn’t as soft and playful, it was geared towards survival, there was no room for kindness or pity – it was kill or be killed. Trying to assimilate the pattern of his thoughts as quickly as possible I didn’t notice his consciousness at first.

Usually when I entered somebody’s mind they were unaware, but because of our bond and the fact that Kit knew I was there it meant he could focus on me and follow me about in his mind. That was fine except for the fact that it was a more primal version of his mind that was brushing up against my shielding. I suddenly got impressions of open land, running on four legs and the thrill of killing. Swallowing hard I brushed against him and watched a firework display go off in his head. The minute I made contact with him every pathway in his hindbrain lit like a rocket and then I was snapped back in to my own mind and body by a large Shifter suddenly pouncing on me.

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