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jian called yujin over, uncertain about what she should do about the whole situation. her friend, for some reason, had still been up at such a late time and gladly decided to come over. after all, they didn't have school the next day; they could stay up all night if they wanted to.

the doorbell rang and jian almost immediately opened the door.

"damn, you must miss me so much."

jian gave the girl a weak smile. indeed, she was extremely happy to see her friend, the only person who could potentially give her advice.

"i have banana milk for you."

"oh you're prepared. i love you!"

yujin immediately opened the drink before coming to sit down with jian on the floor of her bedroom.

"so... what's wrong?"

jian sat there fiddling with her fingers.

"i ... got a confession."

yujin squealed and jian jumped in shock.



jian struggled to keep her friend quiet. she smiled softly. she could always count on yujin to make her smile.

"who is it?"

she hesitated.


jian glanced at her friend and she took notice of a hint of sadness in her eyes.


"i rejected him, but i just feel too awkward now."

yujin thought for a moment and then said, "it's okay. it will definitely get better. you just have to be patient and wait for the boy to move on. feeling awkward is natural so don't feel bad for feeling that way."

jian nodded, head hanging low.

"you wanna hear something?"


"i like someone."

jian's head shot up, eyes wide. a slight sense of uneasiness rushed over her.

"is it ..."

"yeah it's sunghoon."

jian's heart dropped. she felt bad, guilty. 1. she didn't even know her best friend liked someone 2. she didn't know that guy was the same guy who confessed to her a few hours ago.

yujin grabbed her hand and squeezed, giving the girl a smile of reassurance.

"hey. don't feel sorry. i know what you're thinking right now and it's okay. it's not your fault sunghoon likes you."

"but still ..."

"and literally who do you think i am? do you really think i'll back down even if he likes someone else?!???!?!"

jian couldn't help but to smile at her friend's statement. she looked into yujin's eyes and definitely, the sadness had already passed. she was determined.

"watch me get him by the end of the next semester!" she announced, jumping up and punching into the air as if she was a superhero.

jian giggled.

"i'll support you all the way yujin!"

yujin laughed and sat back down, before turning to jian with a smirk on her face.

"how's jungwon?"

the girl immediately felt heat rush to her cheeks, "what do you mean how's jungwon?" clearly flustered at yujin's question.

yujin grinned, teasing jian, "i know you have a thing for him."

"what? no. i do not. he's just ... cool."

"yeah the last time you said someone was cool, you literally had a crush on him for three years."

"whAT? who?"

"kang taehyun."

"oh. oh yeah. i haven't seen him around in a long time."

yujin looked at the girl with a 'really?' expression and the girl just looked back, confused as to why she was looking at her in such a way.

"he literally debuted last year!"

"what?!? he's an idol too?!?"


"what?!? i didn't know he'd become one."

"yeah well now you know. he's in the same company as jungwon too."

"whAT? you mean he could've been in that building when we visit them all the time?!?"

"yeS!?! jian you're so late on these things."

"that's so cool though. i had so much respect for him before."

"yeah, don't try to sound like you didn't like him for three years, jian."

"shut up yujin."

and this was how they spent the rest of the night. 

- firstly, thaNKYOU SM FOR 10KREADS !! didn't realise i'd even reach such a point but thankyouu
- secondly, i kinda just stopped studying 2wks before my exams cause i frekin fell in love with kang taehyun, hence why i randomly added him into this story, thus also why i failed all my exams this wk
- hope u guys like this chapter lol yujin likes sunghoon i think i remember someone shipping those two so here we goooo

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