Hello again our dear kingdom

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"Ah sorry, was I interrupting something?"

"No, not at all"

"Oh okay! We were able to catch a deer, Suga is carrying right now"

"Oh dear, let me go help him"

Yamaguchi left to go help Sugawara while Tsukishima was kind of mad that Oikawa ruined their little moment.

"So did you tell him?"


"What did he say?"

"Oikawa interrupted us"

"That idiot.. Guess you're just gonna have to wait until we're done eating dinner"

"I guess"

They both carry the deer to the camp site and cook it.. (how does deer taste like though?..) Anyways they ate and talked about many things, they were pretty stuffed after eating so they're fell asleep pretty fast. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi were the only one's awake now..

"About your confession"


"I love you too"

Awkward silence.. Yamaguchi got up from Sugawara's side and went and sat down with Tsukishima. Yamaguchi put his hand out as a sign for Tsukishima to put his hand in his. Tsukishima did it and now they were holding hands. Tadashi got up and dragged Kei into the forest until they got to this spot where you could see countless stars.


"Heh I know, I was pretty surprised myself when I found it too"

"How did you find this place?"

"Oh uh.. this is where Kageyama confessed his love to me"

"Oh! Is it really okay for you to be here? I mean aren't you heartbroken?"

"Not really, I saw it coming yet I still cried, strange right? Also not the mention uhm.. the place we also has sex"


"Hehe.. Yeah"

"Let's go lay down"


They head to the flowers and lay down in it. There was silence at first but they got comfortable, which led to them uh making out :) Tsukishima was topping Yamaguchi, Yamaguchi's hands wrapped around Tsukishima's neck. The moment was so vibrant, neither one of them wanted to stop. Their lips kept dancing with each other. After a few minutes they stopped to catch their breath's.

"That was sudden"

"Sorry, it just seemed like the right moment"

"It's fine. We should probably head back though, someone might wake up and wonder where we are"

"Yeah. Let's go, give me your hand"

Tsukishima got up and reached his hand out for Yamaguchi to get up. Yamaguchi grabbed his hand and now they were holding hands, again. They got back to the campsite and thankfully everyone was still asleep. They both got to their sleeping bags and slept and it was kind of like that for the next few nights but they weren't rushing things, they were taking things slowly because they didn't want to pressure each other into something they don't want to do.

Ennoshita of course was still training Sugawara and Yamaguchi, he came by everyday to teach them. Fast forward a few months (9 months) and Sugawara decided it was time for them to return to the palace and he also thought it would be a good idea for Oikawa, Iwaizumi, and Tsukishima to stay with them.

"Are you guys okay with that?"

"Well yeah, people have the right to know that they're beautiful and handsome prince is still alive"

"As if"

"Mean Iwa-Chan"

"Love you too"


They all head to the castle and were walking through the village with their hoods up. Everyone gave them stares and the word kind of spread quickly. They got to the entrance of the palace and some guards stopped them to enter.

"Name and purpose"

"Uh Prince Sugawara, purpose.. To come back home?"

Sugawara took his hood off for the guards to see and they quickly let him in with the rest of the other's. He leaded them to the throne room and there he saw everyone. They were all sitting on the dinning table, eating.

"Excuse me who are you?"

"Oh don't be like that king, it's me!"

"Who is 'me'?"

"Koushi Sugawara"

He once agan took his hood off and revealed his face. Everyone quickly stopped eating and went to wards Sugawara, asking him all typed of questions and things.

"Guys guys please calm down! We have other guests please don't suffocate them"

They all stepped back and saw the other 4 figures standing there. They all took their hoods off at the same time and revealed their true identities.


"Wait Tsukishima it that you?! We thought you died!"


"Heh hey guys! Oh and you guys might want to start referring Tsukishima as my soon to be husband"

Everyone's jaws dropped when Yamaguchi said that.

"Soon to be husband?!"

"Yup. We decided and we're getting married in 5 months"

To be continued :)

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