Screams and cries

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"Hello everyone, sorry for the inconvenience but fortunately for us Prince Kei has survived, no ceremony will be held tomorrow"

Tadashi was in shook. Kei? Alive? Then this must mean that, they can actually escape together, Yamaguchi can keep his promise, they can finally be free.

"We're going back"

"What?! No! What if we get caught? We'll both die"

"It doesn't matter! I promised him that we would escape together, I can't break that promise, so you can either leave and head back to Orange Stone Palace or come with me and save Kei, it's your choice. I don't care about your answer, this isn't about my future, it'd about yours"

Kageyama just stood there silent, he wanted what was best for Tadashi.

"Fine, I'll come, but I can't promise that I won't get along with him"

"Yeah yeah, let's go now"

They start walking back to the palace, neither one of them said a word to each other. Obviously they were mad at each other, you could tell just by looking at Kageyama's face, certainly you'll see his anger but Yamaguchi was trying his best to hold in anger and just put on a straight face. How did it all come down to this? I mean, naturally they would at least be talking about something.


"Hey uh.. could I possibly hold your hand? It's fine if you don't want to"


Yamaguchi grabs Kageyama's hand and holds them together. It was still awkward, the holding hands thing wasn't working out like Kageyama had planned. So he did what was best. He stopped walking and pulled Yamaguchi's arm towards him so they were now face to face. He kissed him softly but passionately. The kiss lasted for about 30 seconds. Both of them pulled away, a little out of breath.

"What'd you do that for?"

"Dunno, I just hate seeing you upset, I had to do something"

"You dumbass"

Yamaguchi playfully punches Kageyama's arm as a sign of forgiveness. Well at least they made up now.

"Let's go, where wasting time here kissing"

Both of them start walking again. The day went by pretty fast so it got dark pretty soon, they stopped by underneath some rocks and slept there. Holding each other tightly, never wanting to let the other one go. (Damn wish my relationships were like that, too bad they ended😩✋)

 (Damn wish my relationships were like that, too bad they ended😩✋)

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(Kinda like that but pretend that there is rocks-)

It was morning once again, they did their usual routine and headed back to the road. At least they were closer since they saw the guard's still dead body that no one has even bothered to look for or even worry about. They walked faster and faster, but something was off.. Once they arrived the once saw the reason why.

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