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"Remus," you say, but it's useless, because the transformation has already begun.

Your eyes widen as you watch his body contort, and as it does, he's able to wrench his way out of the manacle that's holding him to Pettigrew.

"Go! Now!" you hear Sirius shouting to the kids, but your eyes are trained on the now fully-fledged wolf in front of you.

Everything seems to happen at once: as you stare in horror at the wolf that was just Remus not even a minute ago, Sirius turns back into his Animagus form, leaping at the wolf and knocking it to the ground. Next thing you know, you're being hit by a blinding red flash and thrown across the air, landing on your back on the grass, a jolt of pain going through your body.

"He's getting away!" Hermione shrieks from somewhere, and you realize too late who she's talking about.

"Shit," you murmur to yourself, trying to push yourself up despite the pain that you're in. Pettigrew has disappeared, and there's no doubt in your mind that it's your fault: he must have grabbed Remus's wand while you were distracted so that he could attack you and transform back into his Animagus form to escape. And there's no way that you're going to find a rat in the dark, not while you have a now much larger problem on your hands.

You look up just in time to see the wolf taking off towards the Forbidden Forest, the dog not far behind. You're left with the three, terrified-looking kids, and Snape, who's still unconscious and dangling in the air, completely oblivious to everything going on around him. Which is probably for the best.

"Miss Y/L/N! Are you alright?" Hermione asks as you walk over to the kids with a slight limp. Your right leg aches; you must have landed on it wrong when Pettigrew attacked you.

"I'm fine, Hermione," you say, waving a dismissive hand at her, "But we've got to get inside, all five of us, before-"

"But what about Sirius?" Harry asks, anxiously, "And Pettigrew! We can't just let him get away!"

You glance back at Snape before assessing the three students in front of you. Ron - who still can hardly stand on his own - Harry, and Hermione, both of whom look alright physically, but very shaken up, just as you feel. The only thing that you're sure of is that you have to keep these three safe, no matter what.

But Remus. There's nothing you can do for him now, you know. You'll have to wait until dawn, when he transforms back into himself, but you're still worried. And you suppose that Sirius will be fine, but Harry's right about Pettigrew... But then again, how are you supposed to track down a tiny rat in the middle of the night? Not to mention, a rat whose number one goal right now is to get away from you?

Somewhere in the distance, you hear a yelp that sounds as if it came from an injured animal. That makes up Harry's mind in an instant, and before you can say anything to him, he starts booking it across the grounds to find Sirius. You share an exasperated look with Hermione and Ron.

"Hermione, er, stay here with Ron and Professor Snape, alright? I'll go find Harry and Sirius," you say quickly, already turning away. You start running in the direction that Harry took off in, as fast as you can, despite your aching leg.

While you run, feeling a stitch already beginning to form in your side, your mind flits to Remus, and what will happen if you come across him. He won't know that it's you, but you know you wouldn't be able to bring yourself to hurt him, either. You just hope that it won't come down to that, and that you'll find Sirius and Harry by themselves.

Finally, you see them, by the edge of the lake. Though it's hard to tell in the dark and from this distance, Sirius appears to be on the ground, Harry kneeling beside him. But you see other figures, too, close to a hundred if not more, approaching from every side of Sirius and Harry, and your stomach twists in fear as you realize what they are:

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