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You can't get enough of Remus. For the next few days, you keep up the same schedule: sharing secret glances and smiles during the day, and then meeting in the late hours of the night, letting him have every inch of you. But inevitably, your streak is cut short by the full moon.

Plus, you can't help but think that Snape suspects that there's something more than just friendship going on between you two now. But it's not like he can stop you, and now that you've found a way to avoid interruptions, you aren't too worried.

The full moon falls on that following Friday, a day before the first Quidditch match of the season, which you know because that's all the students have been talking about all week. You're surprised, though, when you walk into Snape's classroom soon before your first period starts, to see him getting ready to leave the room.

"I need you to take care of classes today while I fill in for Lupin," he says, sounding almost bored, "Can you manage that?"

"Uh, sure. I mean, yes. I can."

"Good, and you know what to do for each class, correct?"


He walks past you and out the door, robes billowing behind him. You can't lie: you're quite nervous to be all on your own. Although you have taken the lead in some classes over the last few months of school, you've never taught any classes completely without Snape. But, you're sure you can handle it. Hopefully the students will be able to ease up a bit, as well, without him lurking over their shoulders.

You greet each class cheerily, and things go very smoothly all day, much to your relief. After teaching your final afternoon class, you decide to get out of the classroom for a bit. You make your way down the corridor, filled with many students going to and coming from classes. Some greet you as you pass, and with others, you catch snippets of conversation. However, one particular conversation catches your attention, which you overhear from Harry Potter and Ron Weasley as they pass you.

"...Hermione told him where we're at, so how does jumping straight to werewolves make any sense?"

You freeze and turn around.

"Harry! Ron!" you call. They turn and make their way back to you, pushing against the other students walking the opposite direction. Once they're close, you ask, in a hushed voice, "Not to eavesdrop, but what did you say?"

"Snape assigned us an essay on werewolves for over the weekend," Harry explains bitterly, and you feel your anger already building inside of you.

"Yeah, even though we're nowhere near the werewolf unit. Makes no bloody sense, if you ask me," Ron grumbles, and you can't help but sense something else happened during the class period to put him in such a foul mood.

"That son of a bitch," you mutter under your breath, and both Harry's and Ron's eyes widen at your words.

"I- just- don't tell anyone I said that," you stammer, and both boys nod slowly. "But, um, thank you boys, I'll see you later." You turn on your heel and walk away, making a beeline straight for Remus's classroom, where you suspect Snape still is.

You can't believe him. You know exactly what he's trying to do: get the students to figure out that Remus is a werewolf so that Snape can get him fired. You don't even want to imagine what would happen if a student like Draco Malfoy figured it out. You can only hope that none of them think twice about it and that they only think it's simply Snape being Snape.

But Merlin, are you mad. Your rage burns inside of you the more you think about his horrible attitude towards Remus, all of his constant snarky comments and dirty looks.

You burst into the classroom to see Snape, hovering at Remus's desk.

"What is your problem?" you nearly shout, losing your temper as soon as you lay eyes on him.

His head whips towards you, a scowl immediately appearing on his face at your tone.

"I could ask you the same thing, Miss Y/L/N, barging in like-"

You slam the door shut behind you, so that no students can peer through the doorway and overhear. The last thing you'd want is for you to be responsible for Remus's secret getting out. You would never forgive yourself.

"Explain to me, then, why you assigned the third years research on werewolves," you interrupt him, and Snape raises an eyebrow, looking at you as if you're stupid.

"Because they are vastly behind. I would expect-"

"Don't lie to me!"

"Fine!" Snape shouts back, causing you to flinch in surprise, "If you truly desire the truth, Miss Y/L/N, I will tell you the truth. It is because of the fact that Remus Lupin is entirely unfit to be teaching in a school full of children, because he is nothing but a menace-"

"He is not! Just because he's a werewolf doesn't mean he would ever, ever harm anyone-"

"Has he failed to mention to you during your little escapades that he and his friends attempted to murder me when we were young?" Snape snarls.

You open your mouth to reply, but nothing comes out. Your heart is pounding in your chest, the only noise in in the otherwise silent room. You hear students still chattering and laughing in the halls, oblivious to what is going on between you and Snape.

Murder? He wouldn't. You almost want to laugh. Sweet, wonderful Remus, who holds you and touches you so tenderly and is nothing but kind to those around him, apart of a plot for murder?

That smug smile appears on Snape's lips, the same one that grinds your gears like nothing else does. He believes he struck something in you, but you don't believe him.

"There's no way," you say, but your voice comes out weak, much to your dismay.

Snape lets out a short laugh, void of real amusement. "Ask him about it some time then, and allow him to tell you about how Black lured me to him one full moon, so he can tell you how I was nearly killed-"

"But that's not Remus's fault!" you protest, "You just said it yourself, that Black was responsible, and it's not as if Remus can control himself."

Snape shakes his head at you, his face twisted in anger, and you know there's no use arguing with him. He's not going to budge regarding his grudge with Remus, and you wish he'd just realize that he's not going to change your opinion, either.

"I don't expect you to understand," he says coolly, making his way across the room towards you. You remain silent as he passes you, pulls open the door, and exits the room. You stand there for a moment longer, collecting yourself and your thoughts before leaving, as well, pulling the door closed behind you.

You're filled with anger towards Snape and longing for Remus as you aimlessly walk the corridors, wondering how Remus will react to Snape's homework assignment and dreading the possibility that any of the students will put two and two together.

But for now, all you can do is wait.

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