Disclaimer: This chapter contains mostly 18+ material 

You jump back, Remus's hand dropping from your face as he whips around at the voice.

Of course, there stands none other than Severus Snape himself, arms folded across his chest and a smug look on his face that makes your blood boil.

Remus clears his throat. "Can we help you with something?"

You can't see his face from the angle that you're at, but you can hear the hint of frustration in his voice. You can't believe it; you thought you were finally in the clear by bringing him up here, and that you wouldn't be interrupted. Maybe if you had been interrupted by anybody else in the school, you wouldn't be as irritated as you are.

"Dumbledore wants to have a meeting regarding the business surrounding Black," Snape says slowly, "Safety procedures and such. I'm sure you understand, Lupin." He raises an eyebrow at Remus.

"Absolutely," Remus responds coolly. He starts walking towards Snape, who doesn't turn his back until the two of you are within a few feet of him. Only then does he begin his descent down the winding staircase, Remus behind him, and you behind Remus.

The three of you walk in an awkward, tense silence all the way to Dumbledore's office. You exchange a few glances with Remus, but per usual, his expression is nearly impossible to read. However, you somehow just know that the two of you are equally aggravated with Snape.

You finally reach Dumbledore's office, and as you watch Snape enter, Remus leans down to whisper to you, his lips brushing against your ear:

"Meet me in my classroom at ten fifteen."

He straightens back up after that, not waiting for a response before heading into the office himself. You take a deep breath, hoping that you don't appear as flustered as you are as you follow his lead.

Once you step foot into Dumbledore's office, you see that everyone else is already here. You immediately make eye contact with McGonagall, who's standing directly to the right of Dumbledore's desk. She raises her eyebrows in unspoken question upon seeing you enter after Remus, so you shake your head and shift your eyes to Snape in response.

Dumbledore begins talking, but you can't focus on his words at all. You stand between Remus and Snape, leaning back against the wall, your arm touching Remus's. All you can possibly think about is how close you were to finally getting to kiss him, and now, how you're meeting him in his classroom later. While the ten o' clock curfew only applies to students, you've found yourself, by habit mostly, always being in your sleeping quarters or  - if you're busy - Snape's classroom by ten.

So, Remus asking you to meet him after the curfew hour to avoid being interrupted again sets you aflame.

You're not sure exactly how long the meeting goes on for, but eventually, when you notice others starting to leave, you assume he dismissed you all. McGonagall motions for you to hang back, so you wait until everyone else exits before doing so alongside her.

"So?" she questions.

You shake your head, keeping your voice low just in case anyone is close enough to eavesdrop. "We were this close to kissing, and then Severus interrupted to tell us about the meeting. And he seemed so... so smug about having interrupted us," you admit, your frustration clear in your voice.

McGonagall tuts. "He was actually the one who suggested to Albus, you know, that we ought to have a discussion about the next steps regarding Black. I was with the two of them after dinner."

"Of course he was," you grumble.

McGonagall offers you a sympathetic smile. The two of you approach her office, which you stop outside and face each other. "Try not to let him get to you too much, dear. I'm sure he'll get tired of attempting to get between you and Remus eventually."

Kiss the Teacher || Remus Lupin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now