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It's your first day of school, which is something you should be used to, but this time, you aren't a student.

You're heading to Hogwarts to start your position as the Potions assistant to Severus Snape. All throughout your school career, Potions had been your favorite subject. You just always found it fascinating, so when you heard about a position opening up at Hogwarts a few years after you graduated, you jumped at the chance. Plus, you felt that it would be a safe place to spend the next several months, given the recent escape of Sirius Black from Azkaban.

Snape always seemed to somewhat like you when you were in school due to your passion for Potions, so you were optimistic when heading to your interview. Sure enough, you received a letter the next day that you got the position.

You Apparate to Hogsmeade, in order to walk to Hogwarts grounds, carrying your bag over your shoulder. You feel the nerves begin to set in, knowing from your years as a student that the Hogwarts Express would be arriving very shortly. You're nervous to meet the students; you know of some of them, such as Harry Potter, of course, and a few of the Weasleys, considering you were in Bill Weasley's year in school.

Once in the school, you head straight for the Great Hall, memories flooding back as you walk through the corridors. You hadn't realize just how much you've missed being inside Hogwarts. You gaze around at the tall ceilings and the paintings, reveling in the quiet peace before the students arrive.

You step foot into the Great Hall, where you see a few teachers already seated at the teacher's table - teachers that you had years ago, such as McGonagall, Flitwick, Sprout, and Snape. Seated in the middle, of course, is Dumbledore, who smiles at you as you walk in.

"Miss Y/L/N! Welcome, welcome! Come have a seat - there's one open for you next to Severus," he says, his voice echoing in the empty Hall.

You walk up to the the table, taking the empty seat to Snape's, greeting the rest of the teachers.

"Excellent," McGonagall says from the other side of Snape, "and Remus should be arriving soon."

"Remus?" you question, looking over to Snape, who scowls upon hearing the name. You can't help but wonder what that's all about, while McGonagall answers you:

"Yes, Remus Lupin. He's the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor for this year." She glances at Snape momentarily, but turns her eyes back to you before continuing: "I do believe that the two of you will get along splendidly."

You nod, keeping that in mind, and within the next fifteen minutes, you're able to put a face to the name.

He walks in, and Dumbledore gives him a similar greeting that he gave you. You let yourself look him up and down, taking in every inch of his appearance. He's tall: definitely over six foot, with a mess of light brown hair, as well as some facial hair, and if you aren't mistaken, you see a bit of gray. That surprises you, because he looks young: probably around thirty. He also looks tired, dark bags under his light eyes. What really takes your attention are the scars on his face, which almost appear to be claw marks. You can't help but wonder what happened to him, but they - as well as the somewhat ragged appearance of his robes - definitely don't take away from how attractive he is.

You hope you get along with him, as McGonagall said you would.

You look over at Snape out of the corner of your eye, who is glaring at Remus with pure hatred in his eyes. Something definitely must have happened in the past between them, but what?

"Remus," McGonagall says as he approaches the table, "Let me introduce you to Miss Y/N Y/L/N. She's new as well, working as Severus's assistant."

Remus smiles at you, stopping at the empty seat on your other side, between you and Flitwick. You smile back, awkwardly, hoping it's not obvious that you're flustered, your heart somersaulting at his smile.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," he says, his voice smooth and gentle, as he lowers himself into the chair, "Miss Y/L/N. It'll be nice not being the only new face this year."

"Please, call me Y/N," you correct him quietly, looking into his light, hazel eyes, "But I agree. I'm beyond nervous, and I'm only an assistant."

Students start flooding into the Hall then, filling the room with the chatter and laughter that you remember so clearly from your years at school.

Remus scans the crowd before turning back to you. "I'm sure you'll be great. But-" he leans over, lowering his voice, and you take his cue to lean over as well, getting a whiff of his extremely pleasant, musky scent. "I knew Severus years ago, and I know how he can be at times, so if you ever need a break, my office will always be open to you."

He pulls away, smiling, and you can't help but giggle. There's your confirmation that he knows Snape, so they must have gone to school together. But, you already enjoy what you've seen of Remus, so what could Snape's problem with him possibly be? Then again, it's Snape. He has a problem with most people.

But, more importantly, is Remus flirting with you? You've never been good at reading men, but you hope that he is.

"I am definitely going to have to take you up on that," you reply, to which he chuckles quietly, as Dumbledore begins his speech to the students about the Sorting Ceremony.

You settle back in your seat, extremely pleased at how things are going so far. You sneak another glance at Snape, his resentment still clear on his face. At some point, you're sure, you'll figure out what exactly happened between them. 

But for now, you think about how a budding friendship with Remus will go while you're the assistant to the man who clearly despises him.

It's going to be an interesting year, that's for sure.

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