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Something does get in your way of immediately going back to talk to Remus, and his name is Severus Snape.

As soon as you get back to his classroom, he magically has a long list of things for you to do. Completely stupid, useless things that don't actually need to be done, but you don't feel like arguing with him again, not after earlier. You decide that maybe, if you get everything done quickly and efficiently, you'll find time to see Remus before it gets too late.

But, as you go through his inventory of supplies, you can't shake the feeling that somehow Snape knows that something is going on between you and Remus, and that he's trying to stop it.

You break to head to dinner, and you see that Remus is already there. Your heart flutters when you think of earlier, and your longing for him deepens.

"I'm sorry I didn't come back," you whisper to him once you take your seat, leaning over so that Snape won't be able to overhear. Remus leans over, as well, lowering his head so that you can speak close to his ear. "Snape came up with a thousand things for me to do all of a sudden."

Remus, keeping his head tilted down, looks up at you from under his lashes, and your breath hitches slightly at how close the two of you are. He leans closer, and you have to repress your shiver at his breath hitting your ear as he replies.

"No need to apologize, Y/N," he says, his voice low, "I assumed you ran into something. Do you reckon he's trying to keep us apart?"

He pulls back to look at you, and you see a barely noticeable smirk on his lips.

"I have my suspicions," you reply before turning to your food, trying to hide your grin. The tension between the two of you is thick, and you can hardly stand it. It makes you want to drag him away from everyone else, away from the Great Hall, back to your sleeping quarters-


You glance over upon hearing your name, at Snape, who appears rather annoyed. Then again, when doesn't he?

"Yes?" you say, as pleasantly as possible.

"Regarding the inventory, I need to know how much-"

"Why, Severus," Remus interrupts from the other side of you, and you watch in amusement as  Snape's face twists even further into a glare of irritation, "Why don't you let the poor girl have a break? It's a Sunday evening, and from what I've heard, you've had her working all day."

You purse your lips tightly, avoiding eye contact with Remus, because you know that if you look at him that you'll just break out in a smile, and that would make Snape even more angry at the two of you.

"I advise you-" Snape starts, but he's cut off by McGonagall, who overheard the conversation from the other side of him.

"He makes a rather good point, Severus. I think Miss Y/L/N deserves a little time to do whatever she wishes to do after all of her hard work, do you not?" She raises her eyebrows at Snape, and the second he looks away, she winks at you over his shoulder. You smile at her gratefully in return.

Snape grumbles something under his breath that sounds something like a reluctant agreement, so you sneak a glance over at Remus, who seems to also be holding back a smile.

At the end of dinner, Snape is the first one to leave, practically leaping out of his seat, his black robes flying behind him. McGonagall gives you a somewhat apologetic look, as if to say I'm sorry about him before leaving herself. You then leave with Remus, deciding to stop by Snape's classroom before heading to his. You're jittery with nervousness and excitement as you walk the halls together, your hand brushing against his more than a few times.

Snape's classroom is empty, so you suspect that he's either with McGonagall or Dumbledore, most likely complaining to them. But that's none of your concern now; you'll worry about Snape later.

Instead of going back to Remus's classroom, the two of you keep walking around, making small talk. The corridors are mostly empty at this point, with most students back in their common rooms or dorms scrambling to finish up homework before classes tomorrow. You end up near the Astronomy Tower, so you start leading him in that direction. It was one of your favorite places at Hogwarts as a student: secluded - because students aren't technically allowed up there - and with a beautiful view.

"The Astronomy Tower, hm?" Remus chuckles when he realizes where you're leading him.

You grin and grab his hand, pulling him after you. Your heart nearly stops as he interlocks his fingers with yours, and you're sure that you're most likely beet red.

The two of you climb the many, steep stairs up to the top of the tower. Once you reach the top, you turn in a circle, looking all around you at the many sights: the rest of the castle, the Quidditch pitch, and the Forbidden Forest, which seems to stretch for miles. A chilly breeze sweeps through, making you shiver slightly. You wish that you had on warmer clothes.

"I used to come up here all the time as a kid," you explain as you turn to look at Remus, "It was one of the best places to go to get away from everyone, at least in my opinion."

He offers you a small smile, and there's a distant look in his eyes as he puts his hands in his pants pockets. The two of you stand a few feet apart.

"I can't say that I ever spent a lot of time up here myself," he admits, walking away from you, towards the edge and peering over. "I definitely did spend a lot of time exploring the castle, though, with my friends." There's a hesitation in his voice, and you swear that he's going to continue, but he doesn't. Instead, he looks at you as you walk over to him, coming to a stop close by his side as you look over the railing as well. It's a bit terrifying, seeing how high you are.

You then look up at Remus, to see that he's already looking down at you, his gaze gentle. All of your prior confidence - the little that you had, anyway - seems to leave your body as you hold eye contact with him, and you pray that he'll finally just go ahead and make the first move.

After a moment, you can't help but break eye contact, looking back towards the view below you. Your heart nearly stops as Remus's hand comes up to your face, his fingers resting on your cheek to move your face gently back so that you have to look at him again.

Your breath hitches as he slides his fingers up to cup your face with his hand. You lean into his touch, and, with your heart beating out of control, you push yourself up on your tiptoes just as he leans down. Your lips are but a centimeter apart when you hear:

"I thought I would find you two here."

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