Epilogue - 15 years later

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     A figure smashed through the window and grabbed the boy and girl sleeping peacefully in their beds. The Sencen twins struggle to break free. The girl, Diana, tries to inflict while the boy, Colt, tries to enhance her ability. Both are unsuccessful in their attempt, just 12 years old. The woman jumps with them out the window, knocking them unconscious in the process. Her cloak flashes and a bright white eye is visible on the shoulder. When Sophie and Keefe run to the twins room all they find is a note.

Good luck finding your kids - Lady Vespera

     In the other three homes James, son of Linh and Fitz, Emma, the daughter of Tam and Biana, and Amber, daughter of Dex and Marella, are also taken. 

     Fintan, Vespera, Gethen and Gisela, have returned.

(dun, dun, duuuuun)


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