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cassiopeia's pov

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cassiopeia's pov

molina garage, and the cline's residence

march 17th, 2021

2703 words
"good morning princess." luke patterson spoke, as i entered the small little garage. last night julie and i had a sleepover, so i slept in her room.

"good morning." i grumbled. julie had us stay up until 5am watching these moves called, to all the boys i loved before. there's 3 movies in total and they were okay- i wish julie let me sleep and we continued it in the morning, but no.

walking over to the boy, i sat down on the couch sitting next to him. "what's wrong with you?" he questioned.

i quickly turned my gaze from the piano to luke. my eyebrows furrowed, "what?"

"you seem exhausted, that's all. is everything okay?" he softly placed his hand on my thigh. i nodded slowly, yawning.

"oh. uhm yeah i'm okay. just tired. julie made me stay up until 5am to watch this movie series called, to all the boys i loved before." i yawned again and gently placed my head on luke's shoulder. "i'm taking a nap, love."

before i closed my eyes, i looked up at the brunette and his face was covered in blush. he seemed to notice me staring at him and smirked looking down. "you're staring princess."

his eyes flickered down to my lips. i started to smirk. "seems to me you are too. goodnight now lukie." and i was asleep.


it had to be a few hours later before i finally woke up from my nap. i looked around and noticed luke was gone from my side and the garage was empty and quiet.

slowly getting up, i walked into the house. "julie? boys?" i called out. nothing.

as i was waking back to the garage, i passed the kitchen and i noticed a calendar that had a big red circle on one the dates.

curious, i started to walk over. every since the night of the orpheum, i never really paid any attention to the date unless julie and the boys had a gig.

on the calendar, the date that had a big red circle was march 17th. i looked at the little writing- which was written terribly and i gasped.

"st patrick's day."
"opeia's surprise party."

surprise party? it's not my birthday or anything- if anything today's the day i died, but who has parties for that?

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