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third person pov

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third person pov

months after the orpheum

570 words

cassiopeia ivy cline lived a short life with only one true friend. her brother was a dickbag. her parents were there, but they weren't the greatest. 

she never felt at home until she met nick, her brother and when her and luke started to do what they did. 

shortly after the night of the orpheum, cass explained everything the best she could to nick, julie, and the guys. they were upset to hear what had happen, but was extremely thankful she was now okay. 

luke and cass became official about a month later and haven't heard anything about caleb since the four last heard of him. 

the two are very happy with one another and are doing well. 

julie and nick are also very happy with one another. it took the two a lot longer to get together but they are still very happy. 

(a/n) just realized how absolutely cringy this sounds- i don't know how to right epilogues lmao

after the orpheum, the band became popular and since then, they got multiple record deals and finally signed at the one perfect for them, rocque records. 

(a/n) yeah i'm interrupting yall again, because as i should. anyways, big time rush tingzzz. oh and this kinda correlates with my other jatp story, it's a diary kind of thing and you should read it because why not.

i'm really proud of them, and i know rose would be too. 

bob- trevor even found a way to apologize to the boys through julie and aired his apology on all social media platforms. 

the boys parents even got the money they deserved. emily and mitch were able to get the clarification they deserved that luke lived a great life and they even know that the three boys are "ghost" and the two parents have never been more thrilled. 

overall, throughout the time they all learned so much about one another. julie's insane talent. luke's determination. reggie's humor. alex's saracasticness. nick's kindness. and cass just being herself. they were the greatest friends. they were a family. and cass couldn't ask for anything more. 


this is very short but i do not care.

anyways, i hope you enjoyed the story. 

it is officially over. 

you see, i was going to do one of those things where it's like a "books you have to read" but there's soooo many stories that deserve more attention that i love. 

if you need stories that are amazing and deserve more appreciation, check out my reading lists. they're all organized with specific characters, films, era's, and there's even one that has random books that are amazing, some of those books have dylan obrien books...just saying.. 

so please, check out those amazing stories because they truly deserve everything. 

i'm also in the process of writing stories that are for a whole variety of characters and even a few original ones. so keep an eye out for those!

^they won't be out for a while, because i'm waiting for when they're completed so i don't lose motivation. 

have an amazing week! 

and if anyone hasn't said so already, i'm so proud of you. 

*not edited / checked * 




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