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Jimin stares the old man in his eyes. He's not afraid to die, his eyes don't even waver when making the eye contact. If this is how his life ends he'll gladly accept it but he'll not bow down in front of this disgusting person.

" Hello sir. Can I say something ?" All the heads flicker towards Yoongi's side. Everyone is shocked by the turntables. Just one second ago he was about to slit their throats and now he want to chat ?

" Oh, now you have guts to go against me hmm." The old man chuckles. With his gold stick supporting him he walks towards Yoongi. This time the aim of his gun being Yoongi's forehead.

" Oh, no no, sir. Can we talk without this thing?" He puts up his tied hand and points at the gun. Jimin has no clue on what's going on either. He's trying his best to read what Yoongi have in his mind but the older is hard to read.

" Speak." He takes the gun off his head and decide to give him a chance to speak.
" First of all your beard is very nice." He shows off his gummy smile, it leaves everyone astonished and looking at each other for some context.

The compliment earns him the gun back on his forehead.
" Okay, I'll come straight to the point." He joins his head in a desparate way. The old man hums, giving him a sign to speak.

" Do you wanna make a deal with us ?"
Jimin wants to stop Yoongi from whatever he's going to say. Yoongi isn't the best when it comes to negotiating so he tries his best to sneakily crawl towards Yoongi to stop him but he's again being held back by the guards.

" What kind of deal ?" Yoongi seemed to peek up his interest.
On seeing a favourable response, Yoongi got closer to him.
" Since, you're rich I assume you'll have plenty of clubs under you." The old man doesn't understand what Yoongi is trying to achieve but he still noded his head.

" You see that person there.." He points at Jimin.
" He was a great dancer before he decided to become an agent." Jimin's sure they had hit Yoongi right on his head because the older isn't thinking straight right now. He's uttering complete nonsense.

" And I can play some instruments. I used to be a music major. But then I've to fuck everything up and decide to become an agent. I still regret it." He whines like a child but stops when he see the old man pulling the trigger of his gun.

" So, what I'm saying is that we'll make your club more famous and you'll earn more money." Jimin face palmed himself, that was the most imbecile idea ever.

" You think your rubbish tricks would work with me ?" Yoongi crawls more towards the old man.

" I'm not playing any tricks, sir. I'm just done with this agent shit. I don't want to risk my life anymore."
" You should have thought about that before entering my den." He kicks Yoongi on his stomach. It's not strong enough like before but it still made him have a strong impact with the floor.

" MIN !" Jimin screamed trying to get closer to him.
" Ahh that fucking hurts. I think I'll need to spend some months in the hospital." He tries to stand up but the guards held him down.

" You're saying as if you'll be able to get out of here." His low chuckle resonates inside the room. Jimin closed his eyes, these are their last moments and they don't have any hope left.

The laughter of the old man is soon replaced by Yoongi's that echoes around the basement.
He have a death wish. Jimin thinks to himself.

" Why are you laughing ?" He's getting angry, seeing his captivates getting out of his hands.
" I was just thinking about your family who's enjoying their vacation in the Hawaii."
It sends a wave of silence in the room.

" It's a nice season to swim in the beach." The old man loses all the colour from his face. He just stare at Yoongi as if he has seen a ghost.
" What? How do you know that?" The gun in his hand vibrate because of his shaky hands.

Yoongi doesn't answer that instead he looks up to Daniel this time.
" You came all the way from Mexico, leaving your old mother all alone just to get involved in this shit."

Daniel's eyes pops out, his feet takes him backwards on hearing the words. Just how does this guy know so much about them.

" Just think how she'll react on knowing her Danny boy is a gangster now." There's something different about the way Yoongi laughs right now, it's so much wicked and vicious.
Even Jimin is scared of the aura that surrounds him at this instant.

" You! Tell me or I'll kill you right now." He points the gun again, but the way his hands are shaking it's hard for him to aim it properly. Having a smirk forming on his lips, Yoongi puts his head more closer to the gun.

" You should've done it when you had the chance." Just as the words flew out of his mouth, he frees his hands from the cuff. Without looking up from his position, he uses the image set in his head to kick the gun out of the old man's hand.

Everyone just watches the scene their jaw hanging open. They don't have the time to interpret what's happening before Yoongi successfully takes the guard down in one go. Jimin find himself fangirling over Yoongi in full action.

His hands are still tied to the chains but his feet are free. So with the last ounce of thr energy remaining in his body, he uses it to fight one set of the men while Yoongi is busy with the others.

" You think you can take us down." The annoying laugh of the old man makes a comeback on seeing more men coming to their rescue. Yoongi doesn't flinch on seeing them, there's not even a single drop of sweat rolling down his forehead.

" And you thought I'd come here alone ?" It's not long before a loud siren is heard from outside and everyone look around them, puzzled.

" You didn't catch me. I caught myself." Standing in the centre of the room, with his booming laugh ,he's looking like the villian now.

While they all are in a state of shock, Yoongi takes the chance to uncuff Jimin from the chains. He helps Jimin to stand up back on his feet but his balance is a little wobbly from being tied up for so long.

" You okay ?" Yoongi snakes his arm around Jimin waist and support his body. Jimin put his other hand on Yoongi's shoulder and nods. He's smiling, they're free. They're finally free. But that's the moment when he sees the gun pointing at gun. Just as the bullet is fired from the gun, Jimin spins his body in Yoongi's hold.

Senses sharpened with adrenaline, Jimin held his breath, straining to hear with every ounce of his concentration. The blood started draining over his shirt, running warm through it. His stomach lurched.

" JIMIN !" Yoongi holds Jimin's falling body. There's blood everywhere, his hands and shirt is all red. He bites down on his lips, Yoongi's voice playing on a repeat in his head, before he can't take it anymore. It's all black. Just darkness and sheer quiteness.

We'd make a lovely mess, together • yoonmin •Where stories live. Discover now