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Jimin watches them leave from his side eye. Their lips are still attached to each other, moving in a rhythm. Even after the place is almost empty Jimin doesn't pull back, he wants to stay there for a little more. Wanting to get more of Yoongi.

When he's short of breath, they're forced to part away. Their faces are crimson red, lips puffy and swollen. With heavy and uncontrolled breathing they look at each other. The atmosphere feels so awkward around them. You could easily cut it with a knife.

" That was disgusting." Yoongi finally registered that whatever happened was reality and not a dream.
Jimin rolled his eyes at that, he's a very good kisser Yoongi can't offend him like that.

" I bet it was better than any of the kisses you had before." Yoongi scrunch up his nose at that. No, he's not gonna admit that it really was the best kiss.
" No Park, it was worst than all them." He pushes Jimin lightly and starts walking away from him.

Jimin doesn't follow him though, he stood there with his arms folded.
" Just admit it, it was the best." Jimin isn't going to let Yoongi insult his kissing skills like that.

Yoongi stops on hearing that, coming up with a reply.
" You're an amateur when it comes to kissing Park." He stops and copy the same posture Jimin was in.

" Are you implying that you're the ace ?" Jimin raises his brow at Yoongi.
" What if I told you, I am ?" He slowly starts walking towards Jimin, expecting the younger to back off but Jimin just stood there with a cocky grin. And it annoys Yoongi even more.

" Action speaks louder than words, Min." He provokes Yoongi. That was the last push Yoongi needed because in no time he's pushing Jimin back to hit the trailer.

Before Jimin could withdraw his mind from its far places, Yoongi's arms were around him. Yoongi's face was so close to his that it was blurred and drowned to nothingness.
Yoongi bent back Jimin's head across his arm and kissed him, softly at first, and then with a swift gradation of intensity that made Jimin cling to him as the only solid thing in a dizzy swaying world.

His insistent mouth was parting Jimin's shaking lips, sending wild tremors along his nerves. He bites Jimin's lips in between the kiss obtaining a moan from Jimin, he takes this as the opportunity to put his tongue inside. Jimin gasped on that, he didn't thought Yoongi would take things that far.

Yoongi's hands slipped down the smooth curve of Jimin's sides to rest on his hips as he drew him in. Their hearts were beating so wildly that they could only take little sips of breath.
Hands exploring each other's bodies and eyes closed to feel the transient moment.

" That's how you do it." Yoongi inhales after pulling out of the kiss.
Their cheeks are more redder than before face heating up and a different spark travelling through all over the body.

" Mine was better." Jimin said in a huffed tone and walked away from there but the blush and smile on his lips are enough to tell that he enjoyed it.

Yoongi runs after him with the camera in his hand. He's happy that they finally got some proof and even more happy that he kissed Jimin.


" What did he say? Is this enough to arrest them ?" Jimin asks Yoongi who just called their headquarters about the pictures. Yoongi doesn't seem quite pleasant meaning their mission didn't ended yet.

" They say it's not strong enough to arrest them immediately." He sighs and plops down on his bed. He parts his lips and gulps down his saliva in frustration.

Jimin just watched him like he's a food item and Jimin's been hungry for weeks. He licks his lips unconsciously when his eyes land on Yoongi's lips, pulled up in a smirk.

" Stop staring, if you want a kiss just ask for one." Yoongi tilts his head back slightly, making his gaze follow down his nose.

Jimin's face reddened on being caught.
"I-i wasn't staring." He took off his eyes from Yoongi to stare at somewhere else but that isn't happening.

Jimin felt Yoongi's gaze on him, it felt like Yoongi was undressing him with his eyes.
" Why are you looking at me like that ?" He asks in a strict tone. Trying not to show any softness to it.

" Because you're gorgeous." Jimin eyes moved back to look at Yoongi but he turns them away in an instant.
" I told you I'm not interested in you. I already have a boyfriend." He hopes Yoongi will stop bothering him after that.

Yoongi chuckles on hearing those words very contrary to what Jimin expected.
" Yeah yeah."
He gets off his bed and walked towards Jimin's.
Jimin try not to notice how the mattress sinked down next to him. He tried to ignore Yoongi's hot breaths that strike on his neck.

When Yoongi didn't get any reaction from Jimin he placed his big hands on Jimin's inner thigh and starts rubbing it slowly, in an up and down, teasing manner. He's trying to get Jimin worked up.

" Is your boyfriend very hot and handsome ?" He whispers in Jimin's ears. This is his professional tone, one that'll make you want to address him as 'sir'.

" Yeah, very much." Jimin puts off Yoongi's hand from his thigh, not being able to withstand the teasing.
" Mmh, does he have black hair and pale skin ?" He places his hand on Jimin's back this time. Drawing various shapes in his back this time.

Jimin have to chew down on his lips to stop the whimpers from coming out. Yoongi knows his weak spots.
He places his hand on Jimin's waist and pulls him close. Close enough so that their chests were touching.

" And does he have long sturdy fingers that he use to make you screa-"
" Jesus Christ, stop." Jimin puts a hand to Yoongi's mouth to stop him from saying too much. Yoongi smirks on seeing his plan work.

" We're on a mission !" He pushes Yoongi's chest but that didn't affect the latter by even a bit.
" Hmm, I see the problem here is that we're on a mission." He nods his head as the things goes on inside his head.

" I'll shoot my shot after we complete it then." He gave Jimin a smile at that but it's giving him creeps.
" You can't say no, then." He puts his face forward enough to let their forhead touch.

" I'll reject you everytime." Jimin walk away from there, so Yoongi can't touch him anymore.
Because Yoongi doesn't know what his single touches are doing to him.

" We'll see that later sunshine." He winks at him.

We'd make a lovely mess, together • yoonmin •Where stories live. Discover now