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It was a sudden shock that was given to them. Just like it started raining unexpectedly on a bright sunny day out of nowhere.

" In 2 hours you have your flight to US. Say goodbye to your families for a while."

No, this isn't the shock they're talking about. The shocking news was about them working together of a mission. Out of all the things that could have happened why this ? The same question revolves in their heads.

They have hated each other since the very first day, there was no particular reason or maybe there was one but it's still unknown.
The main problem right now is how they are even supposed to get well along. They're like two completely different person placed in one room. Everyone expects the unlike poles to attract each other but they're like cat and mouse, always at eachother's throat.

So, solving the mission would be a second thing for them. The first would be to survive the other's constant mocking and try to not to kill the other.


Yoongi taps his foot in annoyance, the taping sound is snubbed by the hustle bustle in the airport. He plays with his luggage like a little child who's going on a vacation for the very first time. His anxiety doesn't help a bit with the situation, he checks his watch again and again, everytime with much more anxiousness.

It's already their boarding time and there's no sign of Jimin. Not even a message or call.
If that guy ditched him he'll make sur-
With small but hurried steps, Jimin walks towards him. His luggage getting dragged behind him and his half styled hairs bouncing in the air with his every leap.

Yoongi finds himself unwilling getting soft over the younger but soon shakes the absurd thought away.

" You're late, Park." Yoongi look at Jimin narrow eyed, waiting for a response from him. But all the running finally got to his lungs, so he have to catch his breath.

He watches the younger bending a little and putting his hands on his knees as he huffs deep breaths.

Passing his luggage to his other hand, he uses the free one to drag Jimin's. He's not doing it because he care for him or anything like that. He's only doing it because Jimin is a slow walker and he'd take a lot more time carrying his luggage.

" Hey! I can carry my luggage by myself." Jimin shouts when he saw that the older was already walking ahead with his luggage in his hand. He runs after him, to which the older increased his pace even more.

They somehow managed to board into the flight and find their seat without any ruckus. It was the silence before the storm, just as they reached upto their destined seats, a fight broke down between the two nemesis because of the window seat.

" I'm older than you, so it's clear I'll take it." Yoongi hurriedly tries to sit on the seat, but Jimin is quick to pull him back to his position.
" That's not a viable reason." He stands in front of the seat, so that Yoongi wouldn't be able to use his dirty tricks anymore.

" It is." Yoongi tries to push Jimin aside but that guy is really strong. He stops Yoongi with just one hand.
" Then, you should let me sit there because you're my hyung." Putting the emphasis on the honorifics, he uses his sweet and pleading voice. One that Yoongi has never heard him use before.

" Oh, so you do know how to use honorifics." He scoffs right at Jimin's face, raising his brow at him.
" Cut the crap, Min." Yoongi's cocky smirk agitates him even more, he hold grabs him by his collar, staring right into his eyes as he does so. Seeing the scene getting heated, a flight attendant runs to the rescue.

" Sir, please don't cause any trouble." She tries to put her hands between them. But Jimin's having none of it, he curls his finger even more around the fabric. It'd leave a nice crease on the well ironed shirt.
" You should tell it to this guy, he's behaving like a toddler." Yoongi says, pointing towards Jimin.

" Yeah ? If I'm a toddler than what are you ? A newborn ?"
" Park." Yoongi screams.
" Min." Jimin replies with the same exact intensity.

" Sir, please stop fighting. I can arrange another window seat for you if you want." The poor girl is already questioning herself why she even applied for this job.
The suggestion make Jimin relax down a little. He unwraps his hand from Yoongi's collar and take some steps back.
" Yes, I would like that." Jimin immediately agrees to the suggestion.

Yoongi thinks for quite some time before deciding that a window seat is not worth fighting for. It took him such a long time to figure out such a simple thing.
" No- wait!" He stops them before the attendant could assign another seat to Jimin.

" You can take the window seat." He sits on the sits on the other seat, not really looking very pleased with his own decision.
" Really ?" Jimin jumps like a happy child, his face looks like he has won a million dollar lottery.

His big smile make Yoongi's lips twitch a little but he stops himself from smiling completely.
" Just sit before I change my mind." He makes it look like he's changing his seat so that Jimin sits there without any further delay.

" Do you really hate the idea of me sitting next to another person so much that you gave up your window seat. Jealous much ?"
Even if that was the reason, Yoongi would prefer to run naked in the city and embarrass himself in front of everyone than to admit it.

" Don't flatter yourself too much, Park. I just don't trust you enough to let you away from my eyes." He pulls out his headphones and plugs them in, already tired of younger's bullshit.
" Possesive." Jimin mutter under his breath.

The rest of the flight was actually quite peaceful. That was because there were literally no exchange of words between them, they already knew what would happen if one of them started a conversation. They would just end up bickering like everytime. Not even one conversation went out smoothly between them.

It wasn't until the announcement that they're almost at their destination, Yoongi turns to see a sleepy Jimin lying beside him. His plump lips a little parted, and phone almost ready to fall of his weak grasp.

Seeing how peacefully he was sleeping Yoongi didn't had the heart to wake him up for a second. But that only lasted for a few seconds and now he was tickling him. He knows it very well that the younger is very ticklish. And how does he know about that...well, it's a secret.

" Stop." Jimin giggles half asleep, trying to get away from Yoongi's hands only to bang his head on the window pane. So hard, that it'll surely leave a bruise or a bump.
With a loud groan he finally opens his eyes.

" You! You did that on purpose right ?" He catches Yoongi laughing under his breath. That guy wouldn't even let him sleep in peace.
" Maybe." He didn't have any ill intentions but it he just can't stop himself from teasing the younger. He enjoys it way too much.

" You! seriously." He squirms in his seat, his cheeks puffing up as he gave Yoongi a side eye.
He'll be living with the devil for quite some time now that means he need to keep his guards up everytime now.

We'd make a lovely mess, together • yoonmin •Where stories live. Discover now