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Four months later

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Four months later.

"Cut—" With the director's words, Lisa and Taehyung, who were originally staring at each other with different emotions, instantly brought themselves back to reality.

"Good work. Today's shoot was great. Everybody can go eat, then go get some rest. Tomorrow afternoon will be the last scene, then that'll be the end of the filming for 'Heavenly Sword'," the director said in the raised microphone raised, smiling wide. "The entire crew has tickets booked to return to Seoul tomorrow afternoon at five. Thankfully we managed to finish shooting before the lunar New Year, so everyone can go home for their family reunion dinner."

"Director! What about the celebration dinner!? Will you treat us back in Seoul?" cried a minor female actress.

"Yes! Yes! Yes, it'll be on me" the director repeated himself a couple times. The hyped up people on the set laughed and cheered. Quite a few of them even cried, "Thank you director!"

As it was a historical movie, Lisa's make up was a little complicated and the steps to remove it were troublesome. After she finished with taking it all off, there were only a few members of the crew left on set.

When she came out of the make-up room, two people were collecting the rubbish from the floor. When they saw her, the two of them kindly greeted her, "Hello Miss Lisa!"

Lisa gave them a gentle smile, and replied with a "Hey", then walked back to where she and Jisoo were staying.

As usual, they were staying in a constructed temporary house. Yesterday, her period had come, and so her body was already a little weak. Today, she filmed for the whole day, which left her completely exhausted.

As soon as she went back to the house, she immediately laid down on the metal frame bed. It was deep in the winter period, and so the weather was incredibly cold. The house didn't have heating, which made it colder even than the outside. Lisa used two layers of duvet to force herself to warm up, but nothing seemed to be able to warm her feet. In the end, all she could do was withstand the icy cold.

The thought of when she was previously on her period involuntarily popped into her mind. It was the middle of the night, and she had ran out of the mansion to buy sanitary towels when she coincidentally bumped into Jungkook. Because he was worried she might be in danger, he accompanied her by walking quite a distance to the shop. That night, he even left a hand warmer and ginger in front of her door.

The rims of Lisa's eyes couldn't help but heat up, and she instinctively hid her head in the covers.

Four months had passed in the blink of an eye. In these four months, she spent all her time looking for him, but the world was so big and the seas were so vast, if someone wanted to hide from another, it was easy.

Jisoo wanted to originally ask what Lisa wanted her to bring over to eat that evening, but she knew that if she asked, there wouldn't be a reply for ages. She then walked over to the bedside, as though she had a feeling about something, and ripped away the covers.

As she expected, she saw Lisa with slightly red eyes and couldn't help but let out a gentle sigh. She reached her hand out and helped her wipe the tears away. "Thinking about Mr Jeon again?"

Lisa lowered her eyelids and didn't say a thing, two crystal balls of tears hanging from her long eyelashes.

"Did you call Mr Jeon's assistant today?"

Lisa shut her eyes and gave a gentle nod. "Yeah."

"Mr Jeon still hasn't contacted him?" As Jisoo asked this question, she saw the expression on Lisa's face and knew the answer. After a long sigh, she said, "Say... it's already been four months now. Where do you think Mr Jeon is?"

Lisa didn't say a word.

The house was silent. After a while, Jisoo opened her mouth to ask, "Lisa, if you can't find Mr Jeon in your whole life, what will you do? Don't tell me you'll continue on like this, looking for him?!"

"Uh huh," replied Lisa in a very soft voice, but with hints of determination and persistence. "I'll continue the search. If it takes one day, then I'll look for a day, and if takes my whole lifetime, then so be it. No matter what, this time, I won't give up."

Jisoo looked at Lisa with only pain in her heart. She wanted to say something to comfort her, but every time, her words seemed overly saddening.

Eventually, Jisoo could only gently cover Lisa with the duvets. "I'll go get you some dinner. Get some rest."

Lisa responded with a quiet grunt.

With Jisoo out, the room was terrifyingly silent. Lisa could hear the faint sound of her own breathing. She laid there for a long time before slowly curling her body into itself. Then, with her head buried under the covers, she quietly called out, "Jungkook."

Her response was a silent room.

A single tear seeped out from Lisa's eyes, but the corner of her lips was still gently curved up.

You, who I love the most... I'll continue to work hard to find you.

Perhaps, I'll never be able to see you in my life, but looking for you is the only thing that keeps us connected.

And so, I'll never give up.

Perhaps, we really will meet one day, and we may already have white hair and no teeth.

But, that's all right. I still want to find you.

You took regret and despair away with you, and left me with the courage and endurance to wait.

•°. 🌻 •°.

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