Chapter Three

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Rebel found it a little harder to find her place back at home. So much had changed she wasn't sure if she could keep up. It didn't help that all the girls were four+ years older than her. Being twenty sucked because they liked to go out and drink and she still couldn't drink--legally.

She couldn't even get her job at the reception desk at the garage back because Jaylen was working there. She didn't really care, but the job had helped to pass the time. She even spent the whole week looking for jobs.

Rebel did her best to avoid Rampage as well. She didn't need him stirring up anything like he tried to when they were stuck in mud. He may not have intended to, but that's what happened. She couldn't risk him doing it again. Ever.

Walking into the clubhouse, she didn't expect so many people there. There were many people from other charters too. Women were stocking the bar and making food, while the brothers brought in kegs or moved furniture.

Frowning, Rebel walked over Trish who was setting up tables. "What's going on here?"

Trish turned, plate of hot dogs in hand. "Hold this." She force the plate into Rebel's hands and turned back to the table, rearranging the food. "We're having a go-away party."

"Go-away party? For who?"

Trish grabbed the plate of hot dogs and replaced it with a bowl of beans and a bowl of potato salad. "Rampage is going back on the road."

Rebel balked. She wasn't expecting that. She blinked, trying to process this information. This was good new to her, it meant she could go back to how things were before he showed up. So why did she feel a pang in her heart?

She shook her head. "Oh. Um, that's cool, I guess."

Trish gave a look that said she ain't buyin it. "Honey, I know you. You're jumping for joy in the pretty head of yours."

She rolled her eyes, handing over the bowls. "Imma go find Daddy."

The office was her best bet of finding him so she checked there first and he wasn't there. She walked outside and saw him by the grill. She sat on the picnic table next to the grill and waited.

"What can I do you for, darlin?" Her dad asked.

"I'm bored."

"Here," he passed her a beer. "Party will start soon. Wont be bored then."

"No, I mean like, everyday. I went to college because you told me to, but I just went for the education. I didn't really study anything specific and I have nothing to do." She said.

He nodded. "I know, darlin. Didn't think Jaylen would stay so long, thought you'd have your job back. Well find you something to do."

She pulled her mouth to one side and wrinkled her nose. "You upset he's leaving?"

Rebel threw him for a loop with that. She had basically yelled at him four years ago for trying to bring up Rampage. It was a sore subject and she had banned any talk of him. If she was honest with herself, it was still a sore subject.

He raised a brow. "It was always hard to see him go. He's a good brother and don't question nothing."

She nodded.

He cleared his throat. "How about you work in the garage?"


"To pass time," he shrugged. "You're bored, you can go in when you want, take on the jobs you want. You're my daughter, you know more about cars and bikes than any of these assholes. Plus, what guy wouldn't want his ride worked on by a chick that knows what she's doing. Women too."

Rebel shook her head and sighed. "I regret telling you that I'm bi."

Growing up she had always had a good relationship with her parents. She remembered talking to them in ninth grade about being attracted to boys and girls. Of course she was scared, afraid that something was wrong with her--she was a young teen at the time, sure she was raised with bikers but she didn't know everything about sex and attraction. Her dad had just laughed and walked out of the room and her mom filed her in.

Now, her dad laughed. "Ain't nothing, darlin. Kinda expected it."

"What do you mean?"

"Stole your mama from a woman, " he winked.

"What?" She shouted. "And you guys didn't tell me?"

"Didn't think it was important."

"You two are unbelievable."


The party kicked up about five and was going strong by seven. The guys hung out, the Old Ladies talked, and the sweet butts clung to every guy there. Rebel forget how much she hated the sweet butts. She could only remember one that was actually a decent woman, but she wasn't they're anymore--college.

She was only on her second beer, not really in the mood to drink. For some reason she couldn't shaking this feeling of loss. She hated it.

Evrytime she looked around, her eyes kept finding him. There was a new sweet butt all over him, trying to get his attention. She kept shooting Rebel a victory look like she had won some big prize.

Take it, she thought. All yours.

Rebel decided to call it a night at eight and headed toward her car. She got to the front of the clubhouse before she was grabbed by the arm.

She spun around. "Stop doing that!"

"Leaving without a goodbye?" Rampage asked.

She raised a brow. "Isn't that what you were doing?"

"Didn't think I had to tell you."

"Really? Neither did I." Just two sentences and he was already getting on her nerves.

Her phone vibrated and she pulled it out, holding up a finger to Rampage to keep him from talking.

Vic: Tonight, Outskirts, 9. You in for both?

Rebel: You know it. Who?

Vic: Good, already got you in for jackpot. Panos wants revenge.

Rebel grinned. "Gotta go."

She ran towards her pickup before he could say anything. She hopped up, fired up her baby and took off for the Outskirts.

The Bikers Rebel (Warriors Series {3})Where stories live. Discover now