I dunno, there are people in worse situations, I shouldn't be complaining..

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Bendy: (Says the same thing Bendy did)


Henry: *He nods and hugs Sammy*


Billy: *He goes faster and harder, rubbing his chest*


Alastor: *He sighs a bit, and takes off his over shirt, revealing a small, floofy deer tail* I try to hide it the best I can because it's very sensitive. But, I don't think you'd try to hurt me, so I suppose it's alright if you know it's there, Darling~


Gate: M-Mhm! I just... Um... C-Crud. *He splits into two people, both of them stumbling onto the floor* 

Moss: ! *He was basically a fully-bodied version of the right side of them. He looks up at Pepper* Gate, what am I supposed to do?

Gate: Um...! *He was a full version of the left side, with fully white hair and all that* Um...! This isn't wh-what it looks like?

Moss: *He goes behind Gate, for protection* ...


Shula: *She doesn't get it much, but understands the lyrics, and laughs at the chaos*


Yuri: *She smiles* You're lovely..


Levi: I think... *He sits on his lap* It had something to do with licking?~

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