I officially despise your mother more than i did before.

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Bendy: *Gasp* N-Nn~!


Joey: I still would've said yes if ya wanted ta fuck me...

Norman: *he runs out and hugs Joey* T^T

Joey: //=^=//

Sammy: =~= *he walks out as well* oh are we gonna cuddle? 0w0


Stanley: a-ah~~! Ngh~~


ANgel Dust: I saw it waggin' when you were bent over ~~~

Pepper: *he giggles a bit* I-I was just joking! Are you okay? TwT


Kyle: *as he was about to speak half his group starts singing different anime theme songs-...so he joins in obviously-*


Alice: Yeshhhhhh!! UwU


Penny: *he swallows his food* t-thank you...wait what else did I come here for? I totally forgot ._.

Riptide | Book 6Where stories live. Discover now