I guess not I guess it was just two boys? But even if i feel so bad for her

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Will: *He gives him the piece of watermelon*


Joey: *He presses his forehead against Henry's* <C-'Course I do but, I still wanna know what this 's 'bout...>

Sammy: *He continues gently rubbing Joey's stomach under his shirt*


Eddie: H-Hah~~


Stanley: Oh! Great thanks! *He cuddles Billy*


Kevin: *He pulls back a bit, and kisses his cheek* you're officially my dork~ alright?


Charlie: Still Charlie dad, heh heh! Uhh...anyway! How do you like hotel? It looks nice doesn't it? 0w0

Angel Dust: *He goes into the kitchen with Alastor* Hey, dollface. Ya okay?


Momo: *She smiles and nuzzles her again*

Pepper: Food court. You gonna eat while you're thee right? I mean you did say something about vanilla pudding. *He didn't what emphasize to everyone else that there was another voice, he was respectful U^U

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