I'm back //0w0// and yo, thas so cool! >:3

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Bendy: Eh... Oke!~ *He lays on his chest, nuzzling it* 


Henry: ...! *He holds them both in his arms* Ya'll seem cold still... Ya need a jacket..? 'r a blanket?


Billy: *He tries not to laugh*


Double Dee: M-Mhm...!


Alastor: *He pushes him in, but still leaves him enough room so that he's comfortable, then going over to his chair, sitting and crossing his legs in that super gay way and starts drinking his coffee*


Gale: Stick, did you like the 'gift' we left on your desk? I'm sure you know what it means.

Jamie: Y-Yeah, it was nice. Thanks... *He honestly just doesn't want to have Ms. Leslie overhear what they mean*


Ollie: Y-Yeah...! It just happens when you see someone pretty..! Um, i-it's also why my flame turned pink.

Gate: Ah, I-I'm actually here wi- *He looks over to Ollie who was talking to Momo* Oh, eh... I-I guess I can ,actually...

Riptide | Book 6Where stories live. Discover now