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Bendy: *He eats it, then smiling* Mm!~


Henry: *He walks in front of him, nuzzling his neck as well*


Eddie: Ah~~!


Billy: *He turns bright red* U-Uh..!


Double Dee: *He continues to rub his back* <3


Alastor: *He opens a portal this time, instead of them walking back. He opens the door of the hotel, Lucifer budging in front of Angel and walking in* ..! *Unlike he usually would, he doesn't say or do anything about the rude action*

Lucifer: Hello, Radio Demon~ Good to see you're still as complicated as always~ 

Devil: *He was talking with Charlie, but immediately recognizes the voice and stops* {Greeaaatt.... Him...}


Ollie: Um...! {Is she a Monster or not...? I'm not sure if she really knows how Monster bodies work or not...} S-Sure...!

Gate: Oh, n-no, it's alright..! I wasn't uncomfortable, h-heh...!

Riptide | Book 6Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat