Poor Henry

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Bendy: Thanku!~


Joey: {D-Did he not...e-'e didn't l-like it s-so does 'e n-not like me...?} *He quickly leaves and goes up to Chip and Crisp, smiling at them*

Chip: Ya and Mr. Henry were loud.

Joey: ! *He blushes* Eheheh sorry sweetheart =w=

Norman: *He pats Henry's back* <Go ahead and cry, I'm here U^U>


Stanley: ! N-mm~~


Angel Dust: :0 Noodles.


Pepper: *He plays for their stuff*


Kyle: Nice ya meet'cha too. I may just be blind but I don't think I've seen you around here. You knew?


Natsuki: Yeah I am...did I not say that...? *she's way too tired for her brain to remember anything*


Penny: *He blushes not used to being kissed* E-eh...Thanks~ buuut I did come her for food~ sooo can you get me somethin' ta eat? 0w0 like...a burger?

Riptide | Book 6Where stories live. Discover now