A break

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A/n~ So I don't remember much of this event so imma try and make it up. But lots of the feelings are real from this event.

(TW, Panic attack)


Arson's Pov ~

December 2020

This past month has been crazy. All I can think about is her. Me and Brody haven't been talking much. I can't stop talking about her. Everything around me reminds me of her. Her beautiful light brown hazel eyes, her amazing blonde hair. There was something about her that made me go insane. I'm at my dads house tonight, I sleep at his house every other weekend and she lives so close to him. I could walk right now to her house and it would only take 6 minutes, but it was 11pm at night and I'd get in trouble. The reason her name in my phone is "MY YOUNGEST DAUGHTER🌊❤️" was because I played her father in The little Mermaid Junior, that was amazing I cried when she sang Part of your world. Her voice is breath taking, she always makes me happy when she sings. 

                                     MY YOUNGEST DAUGHTER🌊❤️ 

Heyy bestieeee

                            Ugh life sucks! I'm crying in the damn closet!

Why?? Don't be saddddd! 

                          Its the same thing. You can't do anything. It's not like you are gonna magically like me. I can't stop thinking about you

Yeah... sorry...

                             Mhm, well goodnight.


Ugh! That conversation sucked! I sleep in the closet it's pretty big. It's so I get privacy at my dads. He has a tiny apartment with one bedroom so I choose to sleep in the closet. I just wish she would love me back, but it's not that easy. I slowly dosed off with tears in my eyes. 


Today is Monday! I have singy time for a Christmas singy thingy and I get to see Emilice! I'm so excited and nervous at the same time! I wasn't invited to the Halloween show but I went and watched Emilice in it. She did an amazing fucking job! But when I got the email about this Emilice and I were so happy. She was happy that she had me there. 

                                                        MY YOUNGEST DAUGHTER🌊❤️

Hey I think we need a break

                            What why? Did I do something wrong?

I just feel uncomfortable with how much you talk about your feelings. And I'm overwhelmed with your feelings.

                             Oh... I'm sorry. If a break is what you need I understand. It's gonna be hard but if it's what you need.

We can still definitely talk at rehearsal though!



Wth... no. I tell her everything how am I supposed to not text her!? I didn't mean to make her uncomfortable but telling her about how much I like her makes me happy. I just want her to know what I'm thinking. And how was I overwhelming her. She talks about how she feels, not like about liking me but about random things and it can overwhelm me to but I don't care. Well I will respect what she wants. 

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