Part 18- He Knows it All

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Tommy saw Laylanna on the couch. He saw the look in her eyes. He knew that look. He knew she was fighting back tears. He knew that she was feeling some sort of pain. He knew she was tired of the attention on her. He knew that she wanted someone, but at the same time, didn't want any attention on her. He knew. He knew it all. And as soon as he saw the look he knew what he had to do.

He approached Laylanna "Lay, what's wrong?"

"Nothing" she said, trying to perk up

"You do realize I'm your boyfriend right? And that I know. I know that look. So save us both some time and tell me what's wrong"

"No its nothing"

"Laylanna" Tommy said, gently, but still strong

"It's just- I hate this. I hate my stupid leg. I hate milo. I hate it all. I want to go swimming and not have people be waiting on me left and right. I want to be able to run without my armpits killing me. I want to be able to do handstand contests with Tubbo, and be able to go up the fucking stairs by myself. I just wish this never happened"

Tommy hugged Laylanna and held her close. He knew that she was tired of all of this. And he felt terrible that he couldn't do anything. "I am so sorry lay, I wish this never happened too. Now instead of sulking inside, why don't you go get into a bathing suit and come sit by the pool side. Please"

"Fine I guess. It's gonna be annoying not being able to go in though"

"I know, but I'm sure it'll still be fun"

Laylanna hobbled upstairs and changed into her bai thing suit. Tommy on the other hand had a plan. When Laylanna first got her cast on he knew this would happen. So he did what any sensible person would do and ask for a waterproof cast. Laylanna didn't know this because she was too tired. So he figured he would tell her because she was sad.

Laylanna struggled getting back downstairs but she made it. She was greeted by Tommy. The hooked arms as well as they could. This is when Tommy decided to tell her "you are aware your cast is waterproof right?" Laylanna gasped and then pushed Tommy in the water

"YOU DICK! YOU DIDNT TELL ME" she said while laughing.

"To be honest I forgot that it was. It's just now that I remembered"

"Whatever" she scoffed while having Tommy help her into the pool.

The group of ten hung around. They were in dire need of a calm day. They spent most of the day in and out of the pool. Karl and Quackity decided to take an attempt at grilling, much to the dismay or Clay, who in his words was "the grilling master" Karl and Alex were trying their hardest not to catch anything on fire. Though technically they were succeeding, they weren't succeeding enough for Clay not to intervene. Clay took over the cooking and saved the burgers. George went inside to grab the buns and various condiments and toppings. They set up a little burger bar for them all to get their food.

After all the burgers were assembled they sat down at the table outside. It was a nice evening that felt like Florida. All chatting and eating Niki decided to make a toast.

"I prepose a toast" she began "to friendships and relationships. To our character's and our personality's. To all of us. And ultimately Family. Because that's what we are"

The group applauded and toasted. "I have an idea, and Nick, you probably know this, but when we were younger in our family we would do this thing "worst part of your day, best part of your day" so how about we do that?" Laylanna said

"Alright then! I'll start" Nick started. "The worst part of my day, was that serious talk from this morning. And the best part was probably the movie and getting that just amazing movie food"

The group went around the table sharing their worsts and best parts of the day, some of them being the same, some being different. Nonetheless they were having fun. They all finished up their dinners, and decided to go change out of their swimsuits.

Everyone went up to the various rooms and bathrooms to change. Most people came Down the stairs in sweats, some in pjs, and they opted to just take it slow for the rest of the night, so everyone went off to their respective rooms to chill.

Up in Laylanna, Tubbo, And Tommy's room they just decided to stay up and chat. All of the sudden Tubbo got a discord call on his phone. Everyone looked over to see it was Ranboo. "Don't just sit their answer it. We wanna talk to him" Laylanna said. Tubbo picked up the phone and put it on speaker

"Your on speaker big man, Laylanna and Tommy are also in the room" Tubbo said

"Hello Ranboo" Tommy said, putting on his 'TommyInnit' persona.

"Jesus Thomas that was loud, maybe just Tom for tonight" Laylanna scolded

"Good idea"

"So how are you three doing?" Ranboo asked through the phone

"Sorta okay, I broke my leg" Laylanna answered

"I— okay, how did that happen?"

"Long story, I'm sure either me or Tubbo will tell you"

The four minors stayed on call for a while. It eventually getting quite late. You could tell from Tubbo and Laylannas behavior, that they were quite tired. Tommy thought the whole thing funny. His best friend and his girlfriend being all crazy, he quite enjoyed it. He knew she'd need some sleep soon, or she'd crash. Eventually it was around 3 am and Ranboo ended stream. Laylanna crashed on top of Tommy and fell asleep. Tubbo not shortly after, which left Tommy and Ranboo.

"She's my girlfriend, didja know that?" Tommy said

"Ayeee nice. You got moves man."

As much as Ranboo and Tommy didn't talk, they got along quite well. Eventually Tommy ended the call and placed Laylannas head on a pillow. He went over to his bed and dozed off eventually. But not before thinking. He really liked her. And he knew, that she felt the same. Because he, of course, knows everything

1065 words
I actually quite like this chapter. Sorry updates haven't been as often, I have been working a lot on Lemon Demon, my RanbooxOC book. (Which you should check out) BUT I am still going to updating this book. I just don't know how often. Uhh yeah that's about it. Make sure to drink water and eat food. I love you all!!

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