Part 11- Her Past

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Tommy scooped up Layla bridal style. Layla was wrapped in a blanket, eyes all red from crying. Nick had ordered 5 guys for Laylanna because it reminded her of home. Laylanna and Tommy arrived downstairs and Tommy sat them down on the couch. Tommy kissed Laylannas head and stroked her hair. The movie started so Tubbo dimmed the lights to "make it seem like a theatre."


Tommy looked over at Laylanna god she is so beautiful tommy hadn't told anyone, but he was head over heels for this girl. The way she laughed, the way she talked, the way her beautiful auburn red hair fraimed her perfect face. He loved every bit of her. And he knew one thing. He wanted her to be his. Without Laylanna noticing he pulled out his phone to text Tubbo

Big Man🧍🏼‍♂️
Toby I need your help


Big Man🧍🏻‍♂️
I think I like Laylanna

Actually I know I like Laylanna

Ooh I figured

Big Man🧍🏼‍♂️

It's kinda obvious

Big man🧍🏼‍♂️
Whatever, besides the point
How do I tell her

Idk. Just start making moves, maybe take her into town one day, once she's comfortable

Big man🧍🏼‍♂️
Yeah okay I guess
Do you think she likes me back?

Hey Tommy

Big man🧍🏼‍♂️

Tubzo 🐝
Look down

Tommy looked down at Laylanna, having no clue what his best friend was talking about

Big man🧍🏼‍♂️
Yes and

She is lying down on you lap is she not

Big man🧍🏼‍♂️
Yes and

SMH Tommy she could've chosen anyone else in this room and she chose you. She obviously likes you

Big man🧍🏼‍♂️
I sure hope your right

Tommy put his phone down, and focuses back on Layla. He really liked her. He would do anything for her. He just had to hope that she felt the same


Tw!! Talking about mental and physical abuse. And panic attacks!!

For Laylanna, frozen was her escape. As childish as it was, she loved it. It helped her

When Laylanna was 14 her 17 year old brother moved out. Her parents weren't happy and took it out on her. They started drinking and coming home drunk. They would hurt her and yell at her.

Her // TommyInnitxOCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora