Part 13- Moves

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The three kids had just finnished the first movie, and were on to the second.

"No matter how many times I've seen this movie, I get shocked every time" Laylanna said

"I don't know how that happens because you call me like every weekend crying because Cedric died" Tommy said.

"SHHHHHH, the movie is starting" Laylanna said

"You didn't deny it"

"Shut up Thomas"

The three stayed up for a while, getting into the 5th movie. Laylanna of course started crying at the 4th movie when Cedric died. As the 5th movie started, Tommy looked over to see Tubbo asleep.

"What a looser not finishing the movies" Tommy said, until he looked over to see Tommy asleep as well on his shoulder. It being 3am and him not wanting to wake Layla, he grabbed his phone and carefully placed Laylanna's head on a pillow. He climbed out of the fort and went on to the balcony attached to the room. He stepped out and took in the fresh nighttime air. He just sat there thinking of all that has happened in the 3 days he had been their. From his first hug with Laylanna, to cuddling her in the fort, he realized how amazing she was. He thought about her green eyes, and her red hair. And how perfect she was. He thought about her cute laugh, and her quirky personality. He loved every single thing about this girl.

He heard the door to the balcony open and saw none other than the man that made him famous.

"Hey dream" he said

"What are you doing up Tommy?"

"Well we were having a movie night, watching all of the Harry Potter movies, and then 5th movie in Layla and Tubbo fell asleep, I wasn't tired and felt like thinking, so I came out here. I could ask you the same thing actually?"

"Well we got back like 30 minutes ago. Sapnap got a little drunk, so he asked me to come check on Laylanna, make sure she was doing okay, I saw you out here and figured I'd check on you as well"

"I'm good, I just didn't want to wake Laylanna"

"You really like her don't you?"

"Me? Like Laylanna? Pshhhhh"


"I— no definitely not. I— yeah...."

"I can tell. She's really happy around you and you seem really good for her."

"I really do like her. I don't want anything to happen to her like what happened yesterday. I can't help but feel like that was my fault. I left her alone for 5 minutes and that happens. What would've happened if she couldn't screem, it was all my fault..."

"Tommy, it is NOT your fault. It's that stupid mans fault. Your not the only one who feels like it's their fault. I've known Laylanna a lot longer than you have, and she feels like a little sister to me. And seeing her like that, made me feel like I couldn't protect her"

"Yeah, that was a terrible thing and I'd rather not think about it. I really do love her, and I love everything about her. She's amazing. And even though I've only known her for a short time, I feel like I've known her forever"

Clay gave Tommy a man hug, and went back inside, leaving Tommy back to his thoughts. He once again herd the door open, this time to find Laylanna.

"Lay what are you doing up? It's like 3:30!"

"Well A) I could ask you the same thing, and B) you left me"

"Come here" Tommy said, while wrapping Laylanna in his arms. "I'm up because I couldn't fall asleep. You and Tubbo both fell asleep on me, so I couldn't really do much. And besides i wasn't tired"

"Well you should go to sleep"

"I mean probably." Tommy's mind was racing. He couldn't go annother day without Laylanna being his. He loved her and wanted to be with her forever.

"Hey Laylanna?" So he did the only thing he could think of.


He kissed her.

Laylanna was shoked. Never in a million years, did she think that Tommy would like her back.

"Wow, that was pogchamp" she said

Tommy started laughing. Then Laylanna started laughing. "I kiss you and you say pogchamp" he wheezed

"Well, I mean, yeah. I'm aquard in these situations, what else am I supposed to say"

Tommy pulled her close and they sat together on the balcony.

"Hey Tommy?"


"What are we?"

"What do you want to be?"

"I want to be yours"

Tommy kissed Laylanna again

"I'd like that. So what now do I have to formally ask you or something?"

"I guess"

"Okay here goes nothing. Umm Laylanna whatever your middle name is Armstrong"



"My middle name"

"Ooh. Okay got it. Okay Laylanna Abigail Armstrong, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of corse Thomas"

Tommy kissed her head . "C'mon we need to go sleep"

"But i like it out here"

"Come on"


"Fine you leave me no choice." Tommy said. He picked her up and brought her inside. He plopped her down on her bed and kissed her head. "Goodnight Laylanna Abigail"

"Goodnight Thomas"

Just kissed a woman feeling good
(This tweet has been deleted by the author)

866 words
ITS ABOUT TIME— Umm anyways gonna go get more chapters pre written for the week Bc I have school and zero time soo.. N E WAYS, make sure you guys drink water and eat food. I love you all!

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