Part 8- Quackity and Karl

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Laylanna was cuddled up against Tommy during the movie, oblivious to the others stares. The movie itself was not super scary, the plotline was pretty basic. What made her jump, and subsequently cuddle up to Tommy was the jump scares.

The group paused the movie too eat dinner.

"Nice call Layla on the Chinese" George called out

"It's always been my favorite" she replied

"That's true, she asked if she can post mates some to our house every day" nick said

"It's true!" She responded

The group was eating dinner, just enjoying each other's company. Being greatful that they could all meet up. Being in each others presence was the best thing they could ask for. Just then the doorbell rang

"Sapnap, can you go get it?" Wilbur asked


Sapnap went to open up the door and stopped in his tracks. "KARL! BIG Q"

"HOLA MI AMIGO!" Quality responded

"HI SAPNAP!" Karl greeted him

"I— How, I was supposed to surprise Laylanna. I wasn't supposed to get surprised!"

"Wilbur asked us if we wanted to meet up and surprise you and we couldn't resist!" Karl told a very surprised Nick.

"THANK YOU WIL!" Sapnap responded

"No Problem!" He shouted back

"Well don't just stand there come in!" Sapnap told the two

Sapnap, Karl, and Quackity left to go to their rooms, two of them on a bed, and one of them on an air mattress. Never actually wanting to watch the movie, Tommy, Laylanna, and Tubbo, went back to their room. It being fairly early, only about 9:30. They decided to play a bit of Minecraft for fun. Laylanna created a world for the 3 of them, intending to beat the ended dragon.

After about an hour, they were in the end, raging like crazy, and completely botching the run.


"Idk Tommy, it's almost like we are fighting the most FUCKING POWERFUL MOB IN THE GAME"

"Boys boys, focus, I want to actually beat the game."

And so the did. With a totally amazing time of 1 hour, 5 minutes, and 56 seconds, the trio beat the game. None of them actually being that tired, Laylanna had an idea.

"Come sit" she said patting both her sides, signaling for the boys to come sit "we are watching my favorite TV show that I need to introduce you too"

"What would that be?" Tommy asked

"Anne with an E"
(A/n that is my actual favorite show and it's very pog. Go watch it)

The trio just sat in bed, Laylanna eventually getting tired again at 1:00 am. She layed her head on Tommy's shoulder and drifted off to sleep

450 words
So uhhh sorry for not uploading. School started again(ugh) and I've been super unmotivated 😃👍. N E WAYS, awesamdude face reveal pog? He's litterly so precious and I love him. But uhh ty for the reads and everything and drink water and eat food. Byeeee

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