Chapter Thirty-One

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"Are you ready?" Loki asked.

I nodded and we walked into Frigga's bedroom. Frigga was waiting at a desk, writing something. When we entered, she jumped up to give Loki a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I was about to curtsy to her when she gave me a hug and a kiss as well.

"Now, y/n, if we are to be going through with this, I will be looking through your memories. They may be supressed or difficult to find. I will try my hardest to not see anything else, but the mind is a strange and unpredictable place," Frigga warned.

"That's okay," I said.

Frigga nodded and stepped closer to me. She placed a hand to my forehead. I saw brief flashes of a woman with blue eyes and blonde hair, and a man with h/c hair and e/c eyes.


"Mummy, I don't want to go!"

The little girl wailed as she held onto a woman's hand. The woman was lying on a bed. Her skin was a sickly grey, but she still smiled for her little girl.

"I love you, my sweet little y/n," the woman said. "But you must go now. I love you."

"No! Mummy!" the girl cried.

"Take her, my love," the woman said. "Take her to Frigga."

A man picked up the little girl. The girl screamed and wailed for her dying mother. The man cried as he left the woman, leaving the house where his wife was dying.

"Daddy, please, we have to go back for Mummy!" the girl cried.

"We cannot," the man cried. "She is going to Valhalla now. The warriors will care for her there."

"But I want to care for her!" the girl wailed.

The man set the girl in the back of a car. He sat in the driver's seat and drove away from the home as the girl cried in the back.

A man stood in the middle of the road. The husband started to slow down, but the figure shot at the car. The husband died instantly as a bullet pierced his throat. The little girl screamed in the back of the car as it spun out of control. She used magic to protect herself as the car flipped over. When the car stilled, the girl got out. The figure from the road was advancing towards her.

"Daddy! Wake up! Wake up!" she cried.

The figure got close enough to grab the girl, but she threw him back with a wave of golden light. The girl ran as fast as she could from the stranger. She ran all the way back to her home, where her mother lay. She ran up the stairs and into her mother's room.

When the girl entered the room, she saw golden lights flying out of her mother's bedroom window, but there was no sign of her mother.


"Y/n? Can you speak to me?"

The little girl now sat in an office. Her tears had dried, as she had nothing left. No more emotion left to give.

The woman trying to talk to the little girl sighed. A man opened the door and entered the room.

"Has she said anything?" he asked.

The woman shook her head.

"Let me try," the man said.

The woman nodded and left.

"Hello, y/n. My name is Alexander Pierce," the man said.

Y/n didn't say anything.

"You can trust me, y/n," Alexander said. "I just want to help you."

Y/n looked up at the man.

"I can't trust anyone," she said. "Mummy said no one can be trusted."

Alexander smiled.

"Doesn't that mean that your mummy can't be trusted either?" Alexander asked.

The girl narrowed her eyes at him.

"I can trust Mummy," the little girl said. "She's in Valhalla now, with all of the warriors."

Alexander quirked an eyebrow.

"Valhalla?" he asked.

The little girl nodded.

"You're a very special girl, y/n," Alexander said. "I've heard that you can do... things."

The girl cocked her head.

"Mummy says I'm not supposed to show anyone that," she said.

"But you can trust me, y/n," Alexander said.

The girl considered it for a moment before holding her hand out to the man. He watched in awe as golden light danced across her palm. The man pressed a finger to his ear.

"It's her," he said.

He then smiled at the little girl.

"Would you like to come with us? We can help teach you how to use it," he said.

The girl nodded.

"Mummy said that I need to learn," she said.


"Loki?" the little girl asked.

"Yes. He is a wonderful boy," Sigyn said.

The little girl looked about four or five. She was sitting cross-legged next to her mother on a picnic blanket. Her mother was not sickly anymore. Her hair was now a vibrant blonde and her eyes sparkled with life.

"When will I meet him?" the girl asked.

"Once you are eighteen, I will take you to Asgard and you can meet him," Sigyn said.

The girl shifted closer to her mother.

"How old is Loki?" she asked.

"Much older than you, my dear," Sigyn said. "I believe you two will become great friends. He loves books as much as you do."

The girl smiled.

"I want to meet him," the girl said.

"Soon," Sigyn said. "Soon."


I gasped as I came back to the present. I stumbled backwards and Loki caught me in his arms.

"I – I remember," I said, tears coming to my eyes.

My mother was Sigyn Iwaldidottir. She died from an illness she'd had since she was young. My father took me but was killed.

Frigga also had tears in her eyes. My mouth began moving but no sound came out.

How did I forget? Those days were the most traumatic for me, but the memory of Hydra finding me was different to how I remembered it.

"Sigyn made me your guardian," Frigga said. "She told me to take care of you when she could not. I am sorry that I couldn't-"

"No," I interrupted. "Don't apologise. It's not your fault, Frigga."

Frigga gave me a watery smile. She rushed over and hugged me tight. I hugged her back and cried into her shoulder. I felt my shoulder become damp under her face.

When we finally pulled apart, we smiled at each other. Loki grabbed my hand and brought it to his lips.

"This calls for a celebration," Frigga said. "Y/n Sigyndottir has been found."

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