Chapter Twenty-Two

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Loki POV

"I have Friday looking everywhere-"

"It's not enough!" I yelled.

"Woah, Reindeer Games, we all want her back!" Stark yelled. "I'm doing the best I can!"

I snarled and turned away. Y/n was gone. Someone had taken y/n, and when I found out who it was, I was going to rip each limb from their body.

"Brother, you need to calm down," Thor said sternly.

"Calm down? Calm down?" I roared. "The woman I love has been kidnapped! I have no idea what is happening to her! She could be dead!"

Tears sprung to my eyes, but I blinked them away. The Avengers did not need to see me cry. The last time I had truly cried was when I found out I was a frost giant. That was over six years ago.

Frost giant. She still didn't know. I hadn't told her, not properly. She knew that Odin wasn't really my father, but she didn't know I was a monster.

"You love her?" Thor asked.

"I thought that was obvious," I muttered, still trying not to cry.

Thor was silent for a moment.

"Does she know?" he asked.

"About my love for her, or that I am a monster?" I asked.

"Brother, you are not a monster," Thor said.

I snorted and shook my head. The others looked at us suspiciously. I wasn't sure if they knew about my Jotun heritage.

"She knows that I love her. I... she does not know about my heritage," I replied bitterly.

"What, are you the son of a baker or something?" Stark joked.

Thor glared at him while I shifted my appearance. My skin turned blue and my eyes became a vibrant red.

"I am Jotun," I spat.

There was a silence before Stark cleared his throat.

"Sorry, Reindeer Games. I didn't know."

That made me freeze. Did Stark just apologise to me? Everyone else must have been thinking the same thing because they all looked at him in surprise.

"What?" Stark asked, offended. "I am capable of being nice."

"Mr Stark, I have located y/n," Friday said.

"Where is she?" I asked anxiously.

Tony pulled up a holographic map. His face fell when he recognised the location.

"They have her on the raft."

Your POV

I grunted as they threw me down on the floor. The limiters they made for me were heavy and cold. The cell door closed, and I was left alone once again.

The raft was a horrid place if you were a prisoner. Meals came three times a day, and it was only bread and water. Some of my inmates were actually bad people, but most of them were wrongly imprisoned. Enhanced who were feared because they were different.

Like me, I suppose. I was never told why I was imprisoned, so I assumed it was because I was different. Overpowered.

Did the Avengers even know I was here? Surely, they didn't, otherwise they would have rescued me, right?

Or maybe they never cared.

I pushed the thought away. Of course, they cared. Loki told me that he loved me, for crying out loud.

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