Chapter Twenty-Six

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 "May, please, it's no trouble," Tony said.

He was leading Peter's aunt to a spare room in the tower. Peter and his aunt were staying with us now that their apartment was rubble.

I walked over to Peter.

"You okay?" I asked.

Peter shook his head half-heartedly.

"Everything I own was in there," he said sadly.

I put my arm around his shoulders. He tensed for a moment before wrapping both of his arms around my waist. I hugged him tightly, letting him cry into my shoulder.

It was my fault. I should have contained the power better.

"It's not your fault," Wanda said.

I turned to see her looking at me sternly. She tapped her temple.

"I know what you're thinking," she said.

I smiled sadly at her.

"Come on. We have a meeting," she said. "Peter, you can come, too."

We made our way to conference room 23. It was the comfiest of the conference rooms. Instead of a glass table and chairs, there were beanbags and couches. There was a snack bar and mini fridge as well.

I let Peter and Wanda enter the conference room first. Loki and Thor were at the front of the room with a laptop. They both looked very confused. I decided to let them figure it out as I grabbed a packet of (favourite/snack) from the snack bar. I raced Sam to the last beanbag and won.

"Well, as fun as it is watching you two try to set up a power point, I think we should get on with this," Natasha said. "Tony, help them."

Tony walked up the front while I stifled a giggle.

"What the hell did you do?" Tony exclaimed.

"It does not matter. I will use magic instead," Loki sighed.

Peter clapped his hands excitedly. Loki waved his hand through the air and six stones of different colours appeared in the air.

"There are six stones in the universe called infinity stones. They control different things of the universe. They are the most powerful things in the universe. The mind stone is with us," Loki said, gesturing to Vision. "The reality stone is with the Collector. The space stone is on Asgard. The Midgardian wizard possesses the time stone. The city of Xandar protects the power stone, and the whereabouts of the soul stone are unknown."

I watched as Loki brought each stone to the front, the mind stone being yellow, the reality stone being red, the space stone blue, the time stone green, the power stone purple, and the soul stone orange.

"The power stone is what created this bomb," Loki said. "Somehow, the people who got the bomb were able to harness the power of the stone, which is impossible, seeing as no Midgardian has ever been able to reach Xandar, and even if they did, they would not know what to do with it."

"Unless someone else gave it to them," I mused. "Is there anyone who would do that?"

Loki paled and Thor looked to him sympathetically. I rose from my beanbag, unable to bear the look on Loki's face.

"Thanos," he said in a strangle whisper.

"Who?" Peter asked.

"The mad titian who mind controlled my brother," Thor growled.

"We need to check in on Asgard, brother," Loki said. "Heimdall can contact the leader of Xandar."

"And it would be good for Mother and Father to meet y/n," Thor said happily.

"I – what?" Loki and I said at the exact same time.

"Oh, come on. It'll be fun!" Thor said.

I glanced at Loki. He gave me a look that said you-don't-have-to-if-you-don't-want-to. But I did want to meet his parents. And possibly give Odin a verbal beating for what he did to Loki.

"Sounds fun to me," I said.

Thor clapped his hands excitedly, but Loki looked frightened.

"Y/n, before we go, I need to show you something," Loki said.

"Okay," I said.

Loki grabbed my hand and led me from the conference room. He led me up to our bedroom and closed the door. He walked shakily to the centre of the room.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

Loki stayed silent.

"Loki?" I asked.

Slowly, Loki's skin began to turn blue. Beautiful markings appeared on his skin and his eyes turned a vibrant red.

"Loki..." I began but trailed off.

Loki must have taken my loss for words as fear.

"I understand that you do not wish to be courting me any longer," he said thickly.

"What? Why would I want to stop? I love you, Loki," I said.

"But... I am a monster," he said.

I cocked my head to the side.

"Why do you say that?" I asked.

"I am the monster parents tell their children about at night," he said sadly.

"Here on earth, people tell stories about witches," I said. "But Wanda isn't a monster. Neither am I."

Loki looked up at me sadly.

"The nature of Frost Giants are to be evil," Loki said.

"Well, you're not," I said. "You have only been kind to me ever since we met. Except that one time when you stole my cookie."

Loki's lips tugged upwards at that.

"You are truly not scared of me?" he asked.

I walked up to him and, to his horror, placed my hands on the side of his face. Nothing happened to me, so I stroked my thumb down his cheek.

"I love you, Loki. This form is as beautiful as your Asgardian one, and you should not be ashamed of it," I said.

Loki leaned into my hand.

"I love you, y/n," he said. "And I think you are Asgardian."

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