Chapter Sixteen

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"The Games?" I asked. "What's that?"

"It's this thing we do every year," Clint explained. "We do all these different competitions. There's baking, volleyball, swimming, duels, all that kind of stuff."

"And it lasts for a week," Natasha added.

"Wow, you guys must have a lot of activities planned," I said.

Everyone nodded enthusiastically. We were all sitting in the common room. Loki and I were sitting next to each other on an armchair. I was squished into the side, but I didn't mind. Loki and I hadn't told anyone about our 'courtship' yet, but this was normal behaviour for us.

Our courtship had been going on for a week. There were lots of kisses and cuddles. Lots of late nights and fun memories.

The next day the Games began. Everyone participated in most of them. There were a few events that some specific people couldn't compete in. Bruce couldn't compete in some of them because of the stress level.

A few of the Avengers who didn't live in the tower came as well. Peter Parker, Scott Lang, T'Challa Udaku, Hope Pym, and James Rhodes were the Avengers who came just for the games.

On the first day, the events were water volleyball, magic tricks, and duels.

For water volleyball, we spilt in half. Steve, Sam, Bucky, Wanda, Scott, Hope, Clint, and Thor were on a team, while Tony, Peter, Vision T'Challa, Natasha, Rhodes, Loki, and I were on the other. Bruce decided to referee.

The game was the best. I got to see Loki shirtless and bond with my team. When it was my turn to serve, I accidentally smacked Sam in the face with the ball. Everyone laughed and my team won the point.

Magic tricks was really fun. Only Loki, Wanda, Scott, and I participated. Scott was really good at sleight of hand tricks, while Loki, Wanda and I used our actual magic.

My favourite event by far was the duels. Everyone but Bruce participated. It was like a battle to see who the best fighter was. We could use powers and specific weapons. The guns were filled with foam bullets so that it wouldn't hurt. Clint's arrows had foam on them, too.

There were a whole bunch of names in a hat. Tony drew them out two at a time, and the two that came out together had to fight.

I was against Sam first. He flew in the air above me at shot foam bullets at me. I raised a shield and shot my magic at him. He twisted through the air and I decided to join him up there. I flew up to meet him in hand to hand combat. His wings were too bulky to keep him up and I was able to get him to land. I kicked him in the chest, and he fell over. I placed a foot of his chest and pointed my glowing hands at him. Sam surrendered and I won the duel.

I went into the next round along with Wanda, Thor, Nat, Loki, Tony, Peter, and T'Challa.

This round, I fought against Nat. I shielded all of the bullets she aimed at me and I was able to get rid of her gun. We engaged in hand-to-hand combat for a bit before I blasted her back with my power. She surrendered and I won.

Now I was in against Loki. He smirked at me mischievously before duplicating himself. I let out a wave of power, pushing him back and making the illusions disappear. We blasted each other but couldn't take the other down. Eventually it came to hand-to-hand combat. At one point he jumped back, and I jumped after him, only to find that he was an illusion. Then I felt a cool body press against my back and a knife touch my throat.

"I win, Love," he whispered in my ear.

"Do you, though?" I asked.

Before he could react, I shoved the knife away and elbowed him in the stomach. He doubled over and I used my thigh-grip-of-death move on him. He tapped out and I released him.

Now I was in the grand final. I was up against Wanda. My limiters had been on the whole time, so I was a tad less powerful than Wanda, but my combat skills were better.

I ran at her and she lashed out with her power. I blocked it with a shield and continued running. Wanda tried to wrap her power around me, but I blasted it away in an explosion of gold light. I threw my hands out to her and a jet of golden light shot out of them. Wanda threw her arms up as well and met my power with her own. The red ate away at the gold and slowly crept its way towards me. I stopped expending my power and ducked out of the way of the red. I ran closer to Wanda and got close enough for hand to hand combat. I struck at her exposed stomach, but she caught my hand with her power. She thrust me back with her power and I landed on my back. Wanda flew over to me and landed on top of me, pointing her glowing red hands at me. I surrendered and Wanda won.

"Imagine if she had full use of her powers," Bucky said in awe.

"Wait, that wasn't the full extent?" Scott asked.

I held my limiters up for him to see.

The next day we had more games. There was a cake making competition. We were in pairs, and I was with Loki.

"No, Mr Stark, we can't put coffee in the cake! No alcohol either!"

I laughed at poor Peter. Loki and I decorated our cake in gold and green. Clint and Natasha won with their black-iced cake that had golden sprinkles.

We had an archery competition next. Clint obviously won, but I came second, and that was practically first according to Sam.

We had a running race as well as a flying race. I won the flying race while Steve won the running race.

We had other games and competitions and they were so much fun. I really felt like I was bonding with my team.

The week finally ended, and I felt like these people weren't my friends anymore – they were my family.

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