Chapter One

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Steal the Iron Man suit. That's all I had to do. Easy, right?


Even with my magical abilities, sneaking into the tower and to the labs was about as difficult as getting Thor to give up his hammer. Luckily for me, I was one of the best.

I was able to get into the labs with little trouble, only having to erase the memory of one person. My powers were very similar to Wanda Maximoff's. There were only three big differences between our powers. I could create illusions, heal myself and others, and my power was an angelic gold.

I got into the lab and looked around. I found an Iron Man prototype in the corner. That would have to do.

Now, how was I supposed to get the big suit out of here without attracting suspicion?

I walked up to it and opened the chest plate. There was enough space for a person to fit in it comfortably. I got inside and closed it. There was no voice, indicating that the A.I hadn't been set up yet.

I clunkily walked through the halls and to the window. It wouldn't open, so I smashed through it instead. Unfortunately for me, I miscalculated the steps and slipped out of the window.

Now I was falling to my potential death. I put my hands facing down and hoped for the best. Luckily for me, the suit seemed to be in tune to my movements, and the feet and hand blasters turned on. I flew up and across the city. Hopefully, none of the Avengers noticed me.

I made it to my apartment. I created an illusion of the Iron Man suit and made it fly past my apartment and far away, while hiding myself.

I got into the apartment and took the suit off. I began to work on it, disabling the tracker and the voice commands. I may have possibly done a tiny little bit of experimenting, too.

My phone began ringing. I picked it up.

"Hello, this is agent l/n," I greeted.

"Agent. Do you have the suit?" the person on the other end said.

"Yeah. You know, it was really hard to get in there. I caused a little scene, but it was okay. And I'm not hurt, thanks for asking," I said.

The person on the other end huffed.

"Just remember to disable the tracker and make it suitable for Hydra," the voice said.

I almost snorted at the unintended pun. Suitable.

"Yep. Working on it now," I replied.

"Hail Hydra," the person said before disconnecting.

I huffed.

"Hail Hydra, blah blah blah," I muttered.

I placed my phone back on the table and turned the tv on for some background noise. I got back to work on the suit. While I worked, I thought.

Hydra barely tolerated me. I knew that I was annoying, and the only reason they kept me around was for my power, and because I was an efficient agent. Sort of.

I started daydreaming about what it would be like to be an Avenger. This was not typical Hydra agent thoughts, but oh well. If I was an Avenger, people would actually like me. I could fight for good, and possibly even find a potential love interest. And I could-

I swore as I zapped myself on a wire. I really needed to concentrate on what I was doing. My actions stopped as I remembered who I was doing this for.

I stood up and paced around my apartment. Maybe I should just sign up to be an Avenger instead. How do you even sign up for the Avengers? Do you just go to the tower and say, 'hey, I have these wicked superpowers and I'm from Hydra, but I don't want to be, and I want to join your team'?

Probably not. I huffed and thought about the different Avenger's reactions.

Mr Steve Rogers, Captain America, might give me a second chance. But I was from Hydra. But he forgave Bucky. But Bucky was under mind control.

Ms Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow, would probably kill me before I opened my mouth if I seemed like a potential threat.

"Loki is a great addition to the team."

I turned to the tv to see Tony Stark talking to the press. I knew that Loki was now an Avenger. I knew a lot about Loki, actually. Hydra had originally wanted to recruit him, but apparently, they were scared that he would take over, so they'd wanted me to kill him instead.

A picture of Loki appeared on the screen. Did he always look that beautiful? He had raven black hair that fell to his shoulders and cunning emerald eyes. He wore his Asgardian armour.

I continued pacing, lost in thought, once again.

Would Loki give me a second chance? He got one, so why shouldn't I?

But how would I approach the Avengers? I just stole Tony Stark's Iron Man suit. To be honest, it was kind of easy now that I thought about it. They should really up their security. In hindsight, I probably could have approached them then.

Maybe I could approach them another way. A really obvious kind of way. Go big or go home. But what could I do? I could flaunt my powers around, but that seemed kind of boring.

I looked towards the Iron Man suit. Maybe I could do something with that. The perfect plan came to mind, and I scribbled it down. I finished fine tuning it at three in the morning. Now all I had to do was go through with it.

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