Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Loki and I spent our free time kissing and exploring. Loki showed me his room where we started kissing for a bit before Loki decided to show me around the palace. It was so big I was surprised he knew how to navigate it. He showed me a lot of things. The highlights were the gardens, the kitchens, and the library. Oh, the library. It was massive. There were five storeys and books lined every wall. The roof was domed glass and provided enough light to read with. There were little crooks and secret alcoves. Some of which we may or may not have started kissing in.

Soon enough, it was time to have dinner. I walked down the halls proudly in my Loki shirt and black jeans. Loki had laughed and rolled his eyes when he saw the shirt. It was a piece of merchandise I found at an Avengers' store. It was a dark green shirt with a picture of Loki's golden helmet on it.

We entered the dining room to see that Thor and Jane were already there.

"Lady y/n, tomorrow you must meet my friends!" Thor called.

"Please, Thor, how many times have I told you to just call me y/n?" I laughed.

Thor smiled at me and shrugged. Odin and Frigga entered the room. Odin glanced at my shirt but didn't say anything. One the king and queen reached their chairs we were allowed to sit down.

"Do people on Midgard usually wear their lover's symbol?" Odin asked me.

I looked down at my shirt.

"No, I bought this to annoy him, actually," I said.

Loki smiled and rolled his eyes while Odin cocked his head.

"Does Midgard sell shirts with my son's insignia?" Odin asked.

I nodded.

"All of the Avengers have their own merchandise," I said. "Shirts and mugs and stuff with their symbol or name on it."

Odin nodded.

"Do you have merchandise?" he asked.

I nodded.

"It's usually something gold and sparkly because of my magic," I said, taking a bite out of my meal.

Frigga quirked an eyebrow.

"When were you going to mention that your lover has magic, Loki?" she asked.

Loki smiled bashfully.

"Maybe now is a good time to mention she is also Asgardian," he said.

Frigga's jaw dropped and Odin blinked in surprise. Thor choked on his food and Jane thumped him on the back.

"What is an Asgardian going on Midgard?" Odin asked.

I shrugged.

"I didn't even know I was Asgardian until Loki mentioned it," I said. "I still don't entirely believe it."

Frigga cocked her head.

"Well, your magic might indicate whether you are Asgardian or not," Frigga mused. "The strength of your magic, the range..."

She trailed of, deep in thought. She then turned to me again.

"May I see your magic?" she asked.

I nodded and lifted my hand. Golden wisps swirled around my hand and caused the room to glow slightly.

"How powerful are you?" Frigga questioned.

I looked to Loki to answer.

"More powerful than Thor," he answered. "Mother... she could destroy the stones."

Frigga and Odin looked at each other warily.

"Your name is y/n," Odin stated.

I nodded my head in confusion.

"Y/n Sigyndottir?" Odin asked.

I cocked my head.

"Y/n l/n," I said.

Sigyndottir. Didn't Loki marry Sigyn in Norse mythology? Odin narrowed his eyes at me. Loki looked at me curiously.

"What? Am I missing something?" I asked.

"Sigyn was a powerful goddess and one of my closest friends," Frigga said. "One day, eighteen years ago, she disappeared with her husband, and her baby, y/n."

I stopped moving. Now that things were making sense, I was terrified. Could the goddess Sigyn really be my mother? I didn't remember anything about her. Was she dead? What about my father? If Sigyn's husband disappeared with her, then Loki couldn't be her husband. I felt very relieved at that.

"Are you alright, Love?"

I looked up from my plate. Everyone was looking at me. My grip on my cutlery had turned deadly tight. My knuckles were white, and I felt the metal of the cutlery twisting beneath my hands.

"I – sorry. This is just a lot to take in," I said.

Frigga nodded warmly.

"We apologise for troubling you," she said kindly.

I gave her a smile.

"How... is there a way you could be sure that I... that I'm Sigyn's daughter?" I asked.

"If you give me permission, I would be able to look into your memories and confirm it," Frigga said.

Sigyn's daughter. This was insane. But what if it was true? I had to know.

"Okay," I agreed.

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