He's Amazingly Hot, Charming And Smart... And An Alpha Werewolf. (1)

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 I shook my head in disgust, but couldn't find the strength in me to get out of the chair I was sitting in. The boy went from chair to chair, kissing each girl right on the lips shortly. I turned to my friend Danielle, who was also struggling to get out of the chair. "I can't believe we have to do this! What is this anyway?" She asked. We had been asked to get into these chairs and sit down, while this... boy came and "searched." The only thing it looked like he was searching for was a good kisser. I bit my lip as he came closer to our row, in the very back.

"I don't know, but does this count as sexual assault?" I asked. As the boy approached, I recognized something about him. It wasn't right... I felt like I knew him. He came to our row finally, and kissed Danielle once. She pulled away, looking disgusted. "Okay, he's hot, but that kiss did not feel right." She whispered to me. The boy turned to his friend who was standing behind him and muttered something sounding like "maybe she's not in this place." Then he turned to me. He looked down at me and as our eyes met, I felt something flash in me. I backed away, trying to get out and run, or do something, but some unseen force was keeping me down in this chair. "Get away from me!" I cried. 

"Close your mouth." The boy said. Immediatley, I felt my mouth closing. He leaned over me and kissed me. I held still, unsure if I should kiss him back.This kiss went on, lasting longer than most of the other girls kisses. Every cell in my body was begging me to move my lips against his. He pulled away and looked breathless, then bent down and kissed me again, and this time I kissed him back. 

He turned to his friend. "I think I've found her."


I woke up, my heart thumping. I put my thumb and forefinger over my temples and turned to my alarm clock, which was beeping loudly. Slamming my hand on the snooze button, I sucked in a deep breath, and tried to remember what I had been dreaming about. But the pieces of the dream slipped through my fingers like water.

I could not remember.

I growled to myself and jumped out of bed, wishing I didn't have to move to this place in Ontario, Canada. It was too cold and snowy, and... unknown.. But I had no choice. After my parents divorce, I had to move up here with my older sister, Haile. It was different, way different from bieng in New Jersey. And of course, I would be the new girl. 

I pursed my lips and ran a brush through my straight, white blonde hair. My eyes were frosty grey, a color that stood out with my pale face. I had always stood out because of my looks- either I was teased mercilessly or liked alot. Just like Bella from twilight... except a prettier version... because lets face it, Kristen Stewart could use some plastic surgery..

I threw on some clothes and my black boots, then grabbed my bag and walked downstairs. Haile was sitting down at the table, her black coated fingernails racing across her phone while music blasted out of the headphones stuck in her ears. I saw she'd gotten another piercing, an industrial one. I rolled my eyes and ripped the headphones out of her ears. 

"Haile, we have to go to school. I don't wanna be late on my first day." She stood up, grinning at me. "Your such a goody two shoes. Don't ruin my rep, okay, sis?" I stuck my tongue out at her. "I'll try not to." Haile was kind of a bad ass, the type of girl who all the boys wanted but could never get. 

She skipped over to her car, her pale, silky hair flying behind her. Our hair color was kind of a family thing. I had never known anyone who had the same color, or texture hair as us. Haile also worked part time as a model, so she owned a sleek black corvette, which I adored. 

She was only 2 years older than me- I was 16, and she was 18. Her birthday was in the middle of the school year though, so she was still a senior. As we drove to school, the knot in my stomach twisted and turned. "Do you think they'll like me?" I asked. Haile snorted. "Look at you. Of course they'll like you. Plus you're my sister. That's like an added boost." I wasn't sure whether to scoff at how Haile thought she was so amazing, or feel comforted by her words. 

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