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Supernatural division, FBI, Los Angles

"We've been at this for 20 hours, does anyone have any suggestions?" Maeve questioned tiredly, reaching for another cup of coffee.

This case would not solve itself and Maeve was quite ready to pass it onto the other team and call it a day. The supernatural division had only grown under Maeve's leadership over the years, but some cases were a nail to the head.

But her saving grace came in the excitable voice of her brother, asking, "So certain that they're werewolves?"

"DNA at the scene matches," Maeve answered, glancing at the board behind her, almost getting stuck in the maze of red string, " But, we cant identify the victims, so the DNA lead isn't reliable."

Stiles sat up in his seat, nervously tugging at his tie, "Have we considered it's a hunting problem?"

Stiles had been Maeve's Intern for the past year after he had graduated college and training, it was only In the past weeks that he had been promoted to an official detective ( under Maeve's strict supervision, of course ) His co-workers were hesitant about him to begin with, claiming he was only accepted cause he was the bosses brother, but they were slowly learning about the force that was Stiles Stilinski.

"Go on," Maeve encouraged, sipping at her coffee.

Maeve thought her sleep schedule could never be worse than when the twins were newborns, but becoming head of devision changed that.

"Well, the deaths have a supernatural appearance to them," Stiles started, standing from his chair to look at the rest of the team, "But who's to say it wasn't hunters? The victims are werewolves, but surely if there was a pack issue we'd know about it from our sources."

Sources being Derek and their allied packs, but even then then there are many packs out there that aren't as accepting of the Hale pack as others.

"But why would hunters be mimicking a wolfs kill?" An agent called out.

"We're sat investigating the wolves, not the hunters," Stiles almost excitedly shouted, "That's their motive."

Maeve glanced around the room, "Are we all in agreement then?"

Nods and mumbles of agreement echoed around the room, Maeve was fairly certain she saw an agent fast asleep in one of the chairs.

"Investigation starts tomorrow," Maeve instructed, moving to pick up her jacket and bag, "Stilinski, choose your team and have your case ready."

"Really? Me?" Stiles gaped at his sister like a fish.

"Yes," Maeve smiled assuringly, motioning for her to come with her, "Everyone go home and get some sleep, you're gonna need it."

Stiles hurried out into the hallway after Maeve, his sister was walking at a brisk pace to get the hell out of there.

"We're gonna get killed if we miss family dinner again," Maeve joked, scanning her card to exit through the security gates, "I don't know if it was a good idea to let Derek cook dinner."

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