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Tom and I have been enemies since kindergarten. I can't even remember how this hate ship started! All I know is that he was annoying as fuck and was so arrogant! The worst part was that I couldn't ignore his presence because he was constantly present in my life. For instance, I always go walk my dog Nigel around 8 o'clock after dinner, and Tom does the same with Tessa (his dog)... What's the problem you wonder? Well we literally live one street away from each other. So our paths always cross and we are stuck watching our dogs play together for a good 20 minutes. While Tessa and Nigel are having fun we are just standing there in a dead silence looking at each other. Of course sometimes he throws a witty comment about my coat or my shoes, but I always find a sassy response to his annoying remarks.

The only thing I actually liked about Tom was his family. Our parents were really close so I was kinda part of their family. Sam, Harry and Paddy, are Tom's brothers. I loved them so much that I considered them as my brothers in a way. I was always really close with Sam, he was my best friend since we were in diapers! We would spend almost every day together! Harry and I had a great relationship where I would playfully annoy him and he would just tickle me till I stopped. He was really like the big brother I always wanted. Paddy, well he was my little devil in disguise! I always took care of him. He's not that much younger than me, I mean, now he's 16! But when he was younger... and when boys would bully him I would always be there for him. He always says that I'm his sister even if we aren't related! Nikki and Dom (Tom's parents) were so much fun. Every time my parents were travelling, they would take me in and treat me like their daughter.

(I think it's important to tell you now... my parents aren't really there for me. I love them! But, work has them constantly moving around and travelling for months. It's why I basically live alone most of the time... I don't talk about them too much so, sorry if you wanted more information... Anyways!)

That leaves us back to Tom... let me make this quick! Tom's 3 years older than me... which means for him that I'm a baby. Like literally! He always calls me baby (and not in a seductive way! Trust me!) When we were younger, and I would get in trouble at school, he would always help me. Telling me everything was going to be alright and to just keep my head up. He would wipe my tears and even hug me! And then, the next day, he'd pull my hair and insult my outfit! Like, WHY? Anyways. I guess that's how life works... you can't always be surrounded by people who love you right....?

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