2. They are all so gullible.

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They are all so gullible.

Everyone sat around comfortably around the Reiss's dining table in the grand hall happily eating up Jean's concocted story on how he and Mikasa fell in 'love'. They all happily consumed the lies spewed as though it was the dinner that was served on Historia's embellished platters.

All but one.

Armin focused his gaze on Mikasa, she sipped her champagne quietly whilst allowing her soon-to-be- beloved to go on and on about their 'romance.' He then drifted his gaze to where Jean and Mikasa's fingers were interlaced on the table, something was not right.

Armin turned his attention to the couple at the head of the table. The monarchs sat there with expressions as different as night and day. Whilst Historia was listening to Jean's story intensely and emphatically, cheering along with every sentence, her husband did the exact opposite.

Eren's large body leaned in uninterestingly at the table, propping his head up with one hand, as he stared mindlessly at the silverware on the table. He looked bored out of his mind.

This is not how Armin thought their reunion would be at all.

For starters, he knew of Mikasa's deep feelings for Eren since they were children, it was pretty evident. He remembered how heartbroken she was when Eren married Historia though she never showed it, it was the reason she left after all. He expected her to be jealous over their marriage upon her return but that was not the case. She wasn't hostile at all.

In fact, she seemed...supportive?

How unlike her.

And for Eren, Armin thought for sure he would be angered by the fact that Jean of all people is marrying his best friend. His best friend and his rival. But he doesn't seem interested in them at all, does he even care?

This is not how their reunion is supposed to go.

"Are you alright?" Annie questioned him worriedly, he forgot she could sense if anything's off. He nodded at her calmly before returning to his champagne.

Maybe they were happy in their respective relationships. But for some reason, his gut told him otherwise.

The night carried on, stressed from the oddly loving reactions from both of his childhood friends, Armin was forced to consume a fuckton of alcohol to even try and soothe his worry. He was beginning to get so hammered he couldn't hold onto his baby any longer.

"Armin, why don't I take Albert home so you and your friends could catch up?" Annie offered nicely, God bless his beautiful goddess, she always knows what to do, he loves her so much.

"I know I know I love you too. Goodbye, everyone." Annie excused herself and her baby and left.

"Ah yes. Speaking of which, your highness, you and I have much to discuss. May we go somewhere more private?" Kiyomi questioned. Historia looked slightly saddened that she would have to leave her friends but nodded. She gave Eren a peck on the cheek before leaving with Kiyomi.

Armin swung around to see Mikasa's reaction... and she wasn't even paying attention!

How could this be? They were made for each other so why are they acting so... dumb!

"I wish I could stay too, but I have an important meeting with the new cadets tomorrow," Jean announced proudly. He took Mikasa's hand and delivered a gentle kiss on her pale knuckles. Mikasa nodded, acknowledging his goodbye, yet her face remained as emotionless as stone.

"Sleep well, everyone," Jean smiled at Mikasa and Armin before he dreadingly turned his gaze to the king.

"Eren," he grumbled unhappily. Eren saluted him mockingly bringing two of his long fingers up to his forehead, then pointed it at Jean.

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