18. You shouldnt be out here this late, alone,

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"You know, you shouldn't be out here this late, alone,"

Eren swiveled around at the sound of the voice. A woman stood behind him gazing at him with gentle dark eyes. She clutched onto the red robe dancing around her in the rhythm of night's cool breeze.

She walked next to him and sank onto the ground.

"Not nice of you to steal my line," Eren focused his gaze on the darkening sky, black clouds rolled over the calm lake.

"Not nice of you to leave a party in my honor," Mikasa replied. Eren scoffed thinking that it wasn't much of a party if everyone was asleep.

"What's wrong?" She questioned him, noting that ever since he's been here alone his attitude change. He was no longer smiling, instead, his eyes were dark, lonely even.

"Does it look like something is wrong?" He returned his gaze to her as she gave him a flat look, it made the man chuckled.

"I don't know, maybe I'm just jealous because of that kiss you shared with my wife," jest filled his tone.

"Afraid I might steal her away from you?" She replied jokingly, she couldn't imagine him as the jealous type.

"More like the other way around," and though it was a whisper, she heard every word.

"I guess I'm just thinking about how you're leaving tomorrow... for good. I want to feel happy for you, Mikasa, I do. You're growing up and getting married and going to your home nation. You're doing all these amazing things... but the only thing I can seem to focus on is the fact that you're leaving..."

"You're leaving... me..." his voice broke at the end. She noticed his hand fisted on the ground gripping tightly on the grass.

Mikasa placed a hand over his.

"I don't want to do it,"

Eren lifted his gaze to her, she could see all the pain written in those eyes that she had always loved.

"Truth is, Eren, I never wanted to get married to Jean, or leave here. It was all a lie, a lie fabricated to protect the nation of Hizuru. Before, I just agreed out of service to my mother, thinking I was doing the right thing but now..." she felt the slight burn of tears in her throat.

"I don't want to marry someone I don't love, not when..." her heart rate was beating so fast, this is the moment, the moment in which she tells him.

He stared at her intently, solely focused on how she seemed to struggle with her words.

"Not when I'm in love with someone else, not when I'm in love with you,"

Eren stared at Mikasa.

His face blank, not an emotion to be registered.

Mikasa was beginning to feel worried, was it all in her head-

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Eren laughed loudly, he clutched his stomach as his roaring laughs filled the otherwise quiet area.

Mikasa blinked.

Why the fuck is he laughing?

"Haa! Oh, Mikasa, you're not in love with me, you're just having second thoughts, aren't you? And because we did a couple of things these past few weeks you think- what're you doing?"

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