19. So it wasn't a dream?

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So it wasn't a dream?

Mikasa thought as she saw Eren's robe cloaked around her. The first thing she'd thought as she awakened was that it was all a dream. But now, after smelling his scent on the warm fabric, she knows it was true.

The best night of her life was real.

She smiled and stretched her legs out in front of her. Soreness blossomed in her upper thighs and hips. A delicious reminder of her night before.

She stood and pulled her nightgown back on, her legs buckled slightly as she did this but she didn't mind. She was beginning to wonder where Eren might've gone.

Mikasa pulled Eren's robe around her, his invigorating scent comforting her, giving her the strength needed to do what she needs to do. As she picked up her own robe and noticed Eren's pants missing.

She just chalked it up to him wanting to get the divorce discussion with Historia over with as soon as possible.

She'll now have to do the same with Kiyomi and Jean.

She marched back into the palace with a mission.

Find Kiyomi.

She rounded the halls, headed for her room, the place Kiyomi is most likely to be. As she stopped outside the door, Mikasa heard shouting on the other side.


Mikasa rolled her eyes, time to put an end to this foolish charade. She entered the room to see Kiyomi going through a panicked fit.

"It's fine, Lady Kiyomi. I'm right here," Mikasa walked towards the woman, she spun around to face her. Kiyomi breathed a sigh of relief, she thought the girl got cold feet and ran away.

"And I must speak with you urgently," she told the older woman with fierce determination. But Kiyomi didn't hear a word she said. She rashly grabbed Mikasa by her shoulders.

"Thank goodness you're here! I thought you tried to run away from your responsibilities, I should've known you were more mature than that,"


"Now Lady Mikasa, I know I've been harsh on you in the past but that's only because I see the good in you, and so does your cousin, she even sent you this letter saying you must read it on your special day,"

"Kiyomi I... what?" Mikasa then realized Kiyomi pushed a piece of paper into her hands.

To Mikasa Ackerman.

It was addressed in the most elegant calligraphy Mikasa had ever seen. She stared at the letter in bewilderment, not believing her cousin actually contacted her directly.

As she raised her eyes back up to speak with Kiyomi but the woman was gone.


She moved as fast as she can to the hallway but due to her soreness, she wasn't able to move as fast. Looking for her but she was nowhere to be seen. Mikasa sighed and looked back at the paper.

She still has a few more hours before she could find Kiyomi again. She might as well read what her dear old cousin has to say especially since she's never been formally addressed before.

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