1. This carriage ride is so fucking awkward.

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                                                     This carriage ride is so fucking awkward.

Mikasa wanted to throw herself through the tiny window just to escape the awkwardness of the silence. Jean twaddled with his fingers nervously as Kiyomi mindlessly jotted down in her notebook, not minding the silence in the least.

Jean tugged the collar of his shirt and swallow, "So, uhm, you like flowers?" he asked innocently. Kiyomi noticed the young man becomes quite nervous in the presence of his bride-to-be. She smiled snidely, maybe there was a reason she chose him.

What Kiyomi didn't know is that reason was merely a convenience, had anyone walked past that alleyway at that time she would've asked them.

Mikasa slowly turned her gaze to Jean, her eyes indifferent and bored.

"No," she replied flatly and simply, Kiyomi rolled her eyes at the girl's rude behavior. If she continues to treat the boy this way, everyone they are about to meet with will surely catch onto the facade. The reason why Mikasa chose Jean, she said, was because it was the most believable option she had.

Since the war against the rest of the world had ended two years ago and Eren Yeager had removed not only Ymir's curse but the titan curse against all Eldians alongside his brother, the world slowly began opening up to the Eldians of Paradise Island. Queen Historia disbanded the Levi squad and ennobled all her trusted friends to new positions of power and posted them throughout her nation, Jean being promoted to Captain and Mikasa to Section Commander, both being stationed at Trost.

It's been two years since they left the capital and all their friends to work together as comrades. So it will be more than believable that the two fell in love in that period of time.

Jean would've never guessed she would leave Eren for the post but Mikasa had her own reasons for leaving the Capital, and now she's going back to all her friends to announce her betrothal. She wondered how they will all take it.

Kiyomi noticed the tension between the two youngsters, at 21 Jean acts like a 15-year-old with a crush whilst his female counterpart acts like a grumpy old man. Kiyomi smiled at the comparison and nudged Jean encouragingly.

"I think flowers are an excellent choice for the wedding, spider lilies are flowers native to our country so we can have those and blah blah blah,"

Mikasa once again zoned out once more as the conversation grew boring, she decided to close her eyes for a short period of time, however, she soon fell asleep for the rest of the ride.

"Mikasa, we've arrived- wait are you drooling?! How undignified!" Kiyomi yelled on top of her lungs, also in an undignified manner.

"I think it's kind of cute," Jean said smiling warmly at his fiancee. Mikasa wiped away her drool and slowly peaked outside the window. The late afternoon glow shined down warmly onto the streets of the capital as it bustled with busy aristocrats and loud merchants trying to sell their produce. It's really been a while she thought as they approached the palace.

The palace came into full view as Kiyomi began rattling away on how they mustn't disclose the true nature of their relationship and how they must act as a royal couple would.

Of course, Mikasa didn't listen she just felt somewhat happy she's getting to see her friends again.

Wheels of the carriage screeched to a halt, signifying their arrival. Kiyomi straightened out her skirt, preparing her fake smile to be displayed. Jean sucked in a breath, feeling nerves eat away at him. Mikasa rolled her eyes, ready to get this over with.

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