10. They were surely going to die.

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They were surely going to die.

Mikasa's legs pushed her forward, she was sprinting, her body dodged and maneuvered around the barks of the trees.

He's coming.

If she doesn't think of a safe plan, things could turn fatal.

She never knew a scavenger hunt could be this deadly.

"Mika...sa..." Jean huffed behind her, not able to keep up with her pace, he'll be the first one taken down, she just knows it.

She braced her legs and stopped harshly, swinging around, she faced the man who was holding her back.

"We need to split up," she told him seriously, she took a crinkled piece of paper out of her pocket and handed it to the man who was panting for life.


"No buts! He's close, you go find the fourth item on the list and I'll distract him," she stated, he didn't want to leave her but Jean knew Mikasa was the only one strong enough to take him.

"Keep the other items safe and go," Mikasa pushed a satchel into his hands and threw him out of the path.

Jean sighed and took off, leaving his bride to be with the monster approaching. The woman took off in the direction of the person who was chasing them.

She kept an ear out, trying to listen for any mysterious sounds. A branch snapped above her.

Mikasa whirled out of the way as a piece of wood came crashing down next to her. It missed her by a hairs-breadth.

"Damnit, Levi! It's only a fucking scavenger hunt! Why do you always have to take things so seriously?!"

The menacing figure in the tree stared down at the girl, she felt his calculating eyes on her.

"Because I want to win," he answered darkly.

"And because Hanji got distracted so I'm the only one on my team that's playing," she saw the silhouette shrugged.

Mikasa groaned, why couldn't her friends just be normal?

"So," Levi leaped down from the trees, his small figure so fast she didn't even see which direction he went into until she felt something kicked her in her back.

Mikasa landed face-first on the ground roughly, Levi's legs pinning her down as he kneeled into her back.

"Where's your treasure, brat?" Levi spat, not wanting to take too long to win this ridiculous game.

Mikasa searched for a way to escape his hold, she slowly inched her fingers and suddenly felt something interesting.

"Hmm, why don't I check my back pocket to see if it's there?"

Mikasa tossed a pebble up from the ground, distracting Levi for a fraction of a second. It was she needed to lift both of them off the ground. The girl turned around and grabbed Levi by his leg and swung his entire body forward, launching him into a tree.

Sure Levi was fast, but Mikasa was physically stronger. He always seems to forget that detail.

With Levi stunned for a second, Mikasa took off yet again. It won't be long before he gets mad at her for throwing him like a log and actually tries to kill her.

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