♠ Thirteen

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'Can we talk, Adam?

The words shook around Amy's head, as she stood staring at Hannah. This bitch really did have some balls, didn't she? Adam's whole body language had shifted, his cheekiness had deflated. The whole apartment was silent, an eerie, uncomfortable silence. Hannah's eyes flickered to Amy, her expression changing. 

'Alone' She emphasised the word, glancing back at Adam. 

'We're kind of busy' Amy's voice found itself as she walked over to Adam, interlocking her hand with his fingers. 

'All I want is five minutes' Hannah ignored Amy's statement, refusing to look at her, only staring at Adam. He hadn't spoken, clearly he was trying to collect his thoughts. Fuck, say something Sackler. 

'Where's the baby?' Oh, he speaks. 

'What?' Hannah stuttered back, not expecting that question from Adam. 

'Where's your son?' He asked, his voice neutral. 

'He's with my parents. I wanted us to talk, just us' She reverted the conversation back to herself and Adam. Amy could feel herself getting heated up from the sheer fucking ignorance of this woman standing before them. Adam used his free hand to shush Hannah, before turning to face Amy. He tugged her along into his room, slamming the door shut, leaving Hannah standing in the threshold of the apartment. 

'You can't be considering talking to her, Sackler' Amy hissed, reading the expression that was painted all across his face. 

'I just want to know what she wants

'You. That is what she wants' Amy sighed exasperated, letting go of Adam's hand. 

'She's not getting me' His statement was simple and firm. Why did this bother her so much? You know why, her mind screamed at her. She cleared her throat, turning around and passing him a shirt. 

'At least cover up' She huffed. Adam took the shirt, slipping on and tugging her into him. 

'Don't want her looking at what's yours?' He murmured, running his thumb over her bottom lip. Amy froze under his grip, Adam chuckling, feeling her body tense. He let go, stepping back and smoothing his shirt down. 

'You can stay in the apartment, in your room. I'll grab you when she's gone' He promised, opening his bedroom door and walked out. Amy closed her eyes, taking a deep breath and following Adam out. She glared at Hannah with so much hatred as she walked into her bedroom, shoving the door shut with some force. 


Lunch wasn't as nerve wracking as Zoe thought it would be, she was still embarrassed at the fact Ronnie now knew that Zoe was flustered over their age difference, thanks to Katherine. 

'What do you have planned for the rest of the day?' Ronnie asked Zoe as they headed out of the cafe. She mused her lips, she knew she had to go and finish the rest of her assignment, but spending some time with Ronnie wouldn't hurt. 

'Nothing, really. What about you Officer?' Zoe asked, tilting her head as they walked down the street. 

'I have nothing planned, so if you're up for it, we could spend the day together?' Ronnie asked, his eyes watching Zoe's expression. Her stomach did a somersault at Ronnie's offer. 

'I'm down for it, got anything in mind?' She quizzed. Ronnie smiled mischievously, nodding his head for Zoe to follow him. She frowned, confused at what Ronnie was thinking but none-the-less she followed him. 

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