♠ Four

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Work had been slow, so slow that Amy had barely been into work. Meaning she'd spent a lot of time in the apartment, dodging Adam at all cost. It had been a few days since their shower incident and Amy had done her best to avoid Adam. She'd locked herself away in her bedroom, focusing on editing her media videos and video calling Zoey. Anything to keep her attention away from the eldest Sackler. Amy, for some unknown reason, couldn't get her real last encounter with Adam out of her head. He'd practically betted the fact she'd fall for his charms. She was up for an interesting bet, especially when she knew she wouldn't lose. A knock on her door, caused her to snap out of her thoughts. She scrunched her nose, trying to decide who would be knocking her door, because surely Adam would just burst through the door. Amy opened the door, to be greeted by Kelsey. She relaxed, opening the door more and perched on the edge of her bed. 

'Hey, myself and Flip are holding a murder mystery dinner tonight. You're coming' Kelsey declared, handing Amy a coffee stained invitation. 

'Aidan and Steph are coming too' Kelsey added on. 

'Fancy dress?' Amy muttered, as she scanned over the invitation. 

'1920's of course' Amy pursued her lips, she guessed it could be fun. 

'We're heading out now to go and get outfits- so come on, get moving' Kelsey ordered Amy, throwing her leather jacket to her. Amy grabbed her things and headed out of her room with Kelsey. Amy caught out the corner of her eye, Adam working away on some kind of woodworking project. He was far too concentrated in what he was doing, to realise Kelsey was talking to him. 

'Adam!' She shouted, snapping him out of his concentration. 

'Fuck, shit' He cursed, dropping his tools onto his desk. He turned around to face Kelsey, giving her a 'what the fuck' face. 

'Don't forget tonight, okay? 7:00pm, Flips place' She reminded him. Of course, of course he was going to be there. Amy pressed her lips together, refraining from making any comments about Adam coming to the dinner. 

'I would never forget' He grinned, before returning to his work. Amy walked past Kelsey and left the apartment, zipping up her jacket. 

'Before you say anything, he's my brother. I'm going to invite him' Kelsey spoke, as if she had read Amy's mind. 

'Yeah, I know' Amy sighed, as Kelsey interlocked her arm with Amy's, as they made their way out of the building and into the city. 


Adam watched Kelsey and Amy leave the apartment, before he decided to slip into Amy's room. He was curious. He also figured if Amy knew he'd been in her room, it would get under her skin more, and of course he was always down for that. He nudged the door open with his hand, peeking around the door. His fingers hit the light switch, as he shimmied further into the room. It was a lot less messy than his room. His eyes trailed along the room, falling over boxes she still hadn't unpacked. Adam allowed his fingers to skim over the handles over Amy's drawers, then decided, fuck it. He opened the drawers, revealing t-shirts and other clothing articles. It wasn't until Adam opened the bottom drawer, that a mischievous grin painted itself of his lips. His hand rummaged around in the drawer, before he pulled out a pair of black lacy panties. He brought them up to the light, examining the material. He stuffed them into the pocket of his jeans, before turning on his heels, switching the light off and leaving Amy's room. Oh, he was he going to have fucking fun teasing her about this. Adam walked into his bedroom, just as his phone went off. He hit the answer button, hearing the voice of the blonde he'd had the other night. Summer? Sarah? He couldn't remember and he didn't give a fuck. 

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