♠ Seventeen

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Drowsiness was a side effect of the painkillers, Zoe knew that. But, boy did she feel like shit when she finally woke from her sleep. Her eyes felt groggy, her whole body numb with the amount of sleep she'd had. Her fingers wiggled, the plaster cast cutting into her skin. She wanted nothing more than the pain that was burning in her ribs to subside. Her eyes adjusted to the dimness of the room, her brain trying to recollect what had happened the night before. She remembered coming home with Ronnie, she remembered the painkillers battering her- then that was it. Maybe Ronnie would be able to fill her in. She vaguely could recall Ronnie saying he wouldn't be going to work for a few days, just so he could make sure she would be okay. The idea of him staying at the apartment with her, made her feel warm. Zoe let out a sigh, peeling the duvet off her, only to pause as she stared at the shirt she was wearing. That- that wasn't her shirt. Zoe's eyes widened in utter disbelief, her mind whirring. She was wearing one of Ronnie's shirts. Panic started to ensue. What the fuck had she done last night? As carefully as she could, she removed herself from the bed, making sure she didn't knock her ribs at all. Her feet found the floor, her legs shaky as she tried to regain her balance walking to her door. Her hand clasped around the handle of the door, pulling it open a crack- Ronnie's voice caught her off guard. She didn't dare open the door anymore, she couldn't see him but she could hear him. 

'She's fine Flip, honestly. You can tell Kelsey not to worry. Painkillers worked a treat for her, she's been asleep for hours. Although, they definitely made her more- uh- open?' Ronnie tripped over his words, causing Zoe to frown to herself. Open? Seriously, what the fuck had she done. 

'She- well- uh, she called me daddy' The word reverberated around her head, her hand sliding off the door handle. Heat crept up her whole body, searing at her cheeks as sweat broke out on the back of her neck. No, she did not. Fuck. Fucking Sackler and his goddamn daddy jokes, she thought to herself. Zoe swore she could hear Flip belly laughing from her room, she was never going to live this down. Ronnie stammered more, continuing talking to Flip. But, at this point Zoe had completely tuned out, her head rolling backwards as she closed her eyes tightly. It didn't matter how she'd ended up wearing his shirt, it mattered the fact she'd called him daddy. The embarrassment was flooding through her, her mind racking itself to try and go back to see how she's said it. But, no. She couldn't fathom as to why or how she'd said it. Minutes later she'd heard Ronnie hang up and again panic settled in her. Fuck. She decided to just leave the bedroom, acting as if she had just woke up and not witnessed him telling Flip how she'd ultimately shamed herself. Taking a deep breath, wincing at the pain riddling her ribs, she opened the door and walked out. 

'Hey- how you feeling?' Ronnie rushed over to her, hands instinctively coming out to catch Zoe as she wobbled unsteadily. Not from the painkillers wearing off, no from the fucking embarrassment of the whole situation. 

'I'm okay. Felt a little groggy, but other than that, I'm okay' She forced a smile, trying not to let the heat creep into her cheeks again. Her eyes staying focused on his face, not the fact he was wearing a simple black shirt and pj bottoms. Fuck, he was adorable.

'Please don't say I didn't embarrass myself last night, I know those painkillers were stronger' She uttered out, testing the waters. Would he say anything to her? Time stood still, but Ronnie shook his head. 

'Nothing bad, don't worry. You did steal my shirt though' He chuckled softly, tugging at the shirt she was wearing. 

'Sorry, I don't know why. I can't remember anything' She admitted, awkwardly. Apart of her was thankful he didn't bring up the daddy ordeal, he clearly didn't want to make her feel shitty. 

'Not a problem with me. Why don't you  get freshened up and I'll make breakfast?' Ronnie offered, nodding towards the kitchen. Zoe agreed and headed into the bathroom, closing the door behind her and leaning against it. Please, please tell me nothing can get worse than this, she thought to herself. Groaning quietly to herself, she took her time showering. Trying not to get cast wet, maneuvering her way carefully. Soon enough she was showered and dried, throwing Ronnie's shirt back on. Her hair fell in wet ringlets just underneath her shoulders, her cast bone dry, which she was thankful for. She joined Ronnie in the kitchen, the thought of having painkillers again terrified her. What other shit would she pull? She so badly wanted to bring up the 'daddy' comment, she felt like she needed to clear the air, even though she knew Ronnie wasn't going to mention it. She couldn't let it slide for her own conscious. Ronnie swivelled around, handing Zoe a plate of toast and scrambled eggs. A glass of orange juice on the side for her too. 

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