♠ Six

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Playing matchmaker was something that Zoe had never actually done. She could barely take her own advice, let alone give advice to other people. But, there was just something about the Amy and Adam situation that she just had to do, she just had to do something about it. She knew Amy far too well to know that her whole hostile attitude towards Adam had anything to do with her actually disliking him. Oh, of course it wasn't. It was the typical, enemies to lovers trope - something Zoe absolutely lived for. It was perfect timing that she'd gotten into the writing programme here in New York, because now she could make sure Amy and Adam got together. Zoe had left Amy to go and complete her afternoon shift at the library, meaning Zoe was going to head back to the apartment, to 'work' on her assignments to submit. But, she was going to start fishing out Sackler's feelings for Amy. She pulled her hat further over her ears, making sure the cold didn't nip at her ears. It was the end of November, meaning Christmas was just around the corner. Also, meaning Zoe needed to find an apartment of her own, she couldn't share the single bed with Amy forever. Lost in her own thoughts, she didn't realise she was on a collision course with someone-

'Ooof' Zoe walked straight into another human, causing her to lose her balance and almost fall to the ground. Luckily, she never fell to the ground because whoever she'd face planted into, caught her wrist, ensuring she didn't hit the ground. 

'I'm so sorry' She stuttered out, snapping her head up to apologise to the unsuspecting citzen she'd ploughed into out of her own clumsiness. 

'No, it's okay. My fault' Zoe made eye contact with the person, suddenly forgetting she was on the sidewalk, on a busy New York street, because as cliche as it was, she was caught in his gaze. He was smiling politely, still having a grip on her wrist. His hair slightly unkept due to the glacial wind, his free hand pushing his glasses back up his nose. He suddenly realised he had a grip on Zoe's wrist, quickly releasing her. 

'Sorry' He muttered, smiling apologetically. She swiftly regained the ability to speak again. 

'No, it's my fault. I was lost in my own stupid thoughts' She rushed out, feeling like an absolute idiot. 

'Are you okay?' He asked, seeming concerned. 

'I'm fine, are you okay? I'm quite clumsy' Zoe breathed out awkwardly. He shook his head, letting out a small chuckle. 

'I'm okay, I'm built well' I bet you are, Zoe's thoughts raced. Suddenly, a ringing sound emitted from this strangers coat, causing him to quickly grab his phone. 

'Nice to meet you' He smiled again, before answering his phone and continued walking along the street, weaving through the other people commuting to work. Yeah, typical. Only she could bump into the most HUMANLY BEAUTIFUL person ever and not even ask his name. Zoe sighed, stuffing her hands deep into her pockets. She walked back to the apartment, slightly giving herself shit for not even asking his name. Sooner, rather than later, she reached the apartment. The door was still unlocked, meaning Adam was still home. She kicked off her Converse and padded into the lounge. Adam was sprawled out on the sofa, watching some lame ass TV show. 

'You never did show me your rules' Zoe raised her eyebrows, shrugging out of her coat. Adam's eyes darted to her and he grinned, swinging himself around so he was sitting up now. 

'You wanna see them, kid?' He asked excitedly. 

'If it involves being naked, not a chance' She shot back at him, hopping up onto the kitchen counter. Adam rolled his eyes, still grinning as he got up. 

'But, if you're really trying to get Amy's attention, you're going to have to try harder than some rules' Zoe pointed out, leaning back. He walked over to her, inches away. 

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