Chapter 26

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Christmas Day starts with Toni being woken up at one in the afternoon by a fully dressed Shelby offering her a cup of coffee from the nearest Starbucks, and Toni sits up and accepts it sleepily without even making a basic white girl joke, then blinks slowly at Shelby while Shelby beams at her and flattens Toni's disheveled hair with both hands.

"I look okay?" Toni yawns out between sips.

"Beautiful," Shelby confirms, "and also like you had a very long night."

"It was the best," Toni says, not even bothering to be sly about it or to think up a joke, and Shelby peppers kisses all over her forehead and her cheeks and it's all so domestic, already, and Toni feels almost giddy thinking about doing this every day sometime in the future—but she's got a reputation to uphold, here, so she wrinkles her nose and pretends it's all too overbearing and just maneuvers the coffee past Shelby's hands and lips and up to her own mouth again. Shelby grins and Toni knows she sees right through it.

"You have presents to open," Shelby tells her, and then kisses her when Toni lowers the coffee. Toni leans in further when Shelby tries to break it, and Shelby's laugh is muffled against her lips. "C'mon, Christmas is my favorite holiday."

"Surprised you haven't had me duet 'Baby, It's Cold Outside' with you yet," Toni mumbles, and Shelby's eyes widen a little like Toni's just given her the idea. "That was a joke."

Toni opens Fatin's present first. It's body chocolate with a tag on it, on which Fatin has written, "Take the hint. I'm horny, bitch." Shelby seems unamused.

"I'll talk to her," Toni says, and thinks about using the chocolate before Shelby has to leave tomorrow.

Sam's gotten her two appropriately cheap tickets to a Lakers game in February and a card that says, "Would love to go together!" which is also a little awkward.

"I will also talk to her." Toni shakes her head and mutters, "Jesus Christ," then pauses for more coffee before she starts in on Shelby's presents.

The first is a Fury Road DVD, and Toni cackles at the sight of it and says, "Oh my God, the fact that you would even want to relive that memory, Shelby..."

"I didn't know what I was doin' then," Shelby admits, a hand on her own cheek, and Toni smirks at her.

"You had such a huge crush on me."

"We were regularly havin' sex, Toni. Yes, I did like you."

Toni wiggles her eyebrows at Shelby like she's hot shit anyway, then says, "This is dope. Thank you. We can watch it today." She pauses, then amends that. "We can put it on in the background today."

The second present is a two-parter: three different types of surfboard wax and then a pack of gay-themed surfboard stickers, and Toni is so fucking excited and so touched that Shelby thought to get her anything like this even though it's been so long since they've seen each other. She wants to tackle her to the bed and shower her with affection but instead she just blushes from behind her coffee and mumbles, "I really like this," and Shelby beams at her like she knows exactly what Toni's feeling.

"Okay, last one, but hold on a second," Shelby says, and then stands up to go retrieve her purse while Toni picks apart the package. In the end she's holding up a pendant with leather straps and a small shiny tube with light brown liquid in it, and Shelby rushes to say, "Okay, I wasn't goin' to tell you, but I have a matchin' one; I was just goin' to give you that one because it's the color of your eyes, but I also have this one." She shows Toni an identical pendant with green liquid, the exact same shade as Shelby's eyes. "And now I was thinkin'... we could swap? I know it's cheesy. We don't have to. I've never done anythin' like this." She looks nervous.

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